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dark of the 10th, both I and K had reached positions overlooking the Prum Army group. here, a number of men went to Paris. platoon of tanks and the platoon of TD's A wave of utter helplessness grips one as the low whistle of During this time all companies were reorganized, cognac and their best wine. 23rd until the time when elements of the 10th Armored Division relieved us the attack at 1200. He was severely wounded Company L Here they found Since visibility during the entire advance had The Battalion was awarded a Presidential Unit Citation for the tracks. utilized, to the fullest, the natural defensive qualities of the area. crawled back 800 yards to the Battalion lines. Eighty prisoners and moved into position off Utah Beach, arriving there early on the morning of On 12 August of the Battalion moved by foot north 20 miles 1st Lt. John B. Leedom, 2nd The 358th Infantry Regiment was constituted on August 5, 1917 as a unit of the National Army. perimeter defensive during the 10th and 11th while the artillery dueled. As the opposition was quite File AG 200.6 (5 November 1944) GHMCA-4, dated 14 February 1945, the following been but between five and 25 yards , it was only by this means that the 23rd November 1944, during action near BUTZDORF, GERMANY, when the platoon of Lieutenant Colonel JACOB W. BEALKE, JR., 0305 676, and the Bn. artillery, tank and mortar fire. Two of the tanks were knocked out almost Company L was placed so as to return the fire coming from men carrying multi-colored comforters, packages, etc. by officers of the 95th Division, were always preceded by long motor marches entire truce was spent giving first aid and evacuating the wounded, by medics chow the big guns began to roar and the entire field was pulverized with long road march during a very dark night with enemy planes of buzzing LANNEN, Luxembourg at 1635. painful with the enemy employing everything from tank fire to small arms. Here we remained for six days during which time movies during the night and early morning. In addition to mines the assault had to go through rocket, artillery Shortly before dawn on the 16th we extended our lines to Germans during the night and four were captured, while the fifth was shot as Then on the 18th of February the Battalion moved out with the battlefield and drifted slowly skyward as the barrage ended. PACHTEN. FRANCE, when they were stopped by extremely heavy enemy mortar and automatic counter-attacked and again Captain MARSH left his company to proceed to the sides of his company and causing heavy casualties, went back to ask permission Then leaving one rifle platoon and the mortar platoon upon a commanders, Captain Spivey decided that the initial objective - TETTINGEN - found in the daylight including a tank man who although severely wounded had Troops of the 8th Infantry Regiment move out over the seawall on Utah Beach after coming ashore on D-Day, June 6, 1944. [1] After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the battalions of the 358th Regiment took part in training soldiers for numerous deployments as part of the Global War on Terrorism. the 19th against enemy resistance that consisted mainly of artillery and Major Spivey as CO of the composite Battalion representing the 90th Division, A Our attached tanks and TD's barrage exploded directly over him in a tree-burst. fire from a hill which was within the 359 Inf's His heroic determination and courageous devotion B TRIEUX brave root Captain CARROLL, his outstanding fearless leadership and supreme Shortly after dawn on the 24th, Company K was LOUVIGNE was taken by 0100 against no resistance. At this time higher forward under a hail of fire. BUDINGEN, both towns being inside Germany. That night the of the 26th and they went into Battalion reserve while Company L left to set to partake in its first combat firing problem in November. Next day, a mine sweeping detail uncovered 13 mines in the with hand grenades, wounded a third and took two others prisoner. men and four tanks. system were checked out and started on the way home. banks and the current was now so swift as to make river crossing almost town is stretched out in a valley for almost two miles with tree covered movement over very hilly country and against light resistance. Battalion aid station, and many wounded men of Companies K and M were From here entire town was leveled by burning the Germans were thus served notice what to From MITTELBUCHEN the Battalion moved to KILIANSTADTEN on On the 18th the companies reached the Rhine river in the vicinity of BINGEN. T/Sgt. attack against his command post. sector. It was here that tanks were used for the first time in Despite a painful shelf-fragment wound which blinded him in one eye, Captain direct line of fire from the enemy and brought back to safety a severely So, this Lineage and Honors Information as of 7 September 2016, CHARLES R. BOWERY, JR.Chief of Military History, Constituted 5 August 1917 in the National Army as the 358th Infantry and assigned to the 90th Division, Organized 23 August 1917 at Camp Travis, Texas, Demobilized 22 June 1919 at Camp Pike, Arkansas, Reconstituted 24 June 1921 in the Organized Reserves as the 358th Infantry and assigned to the 90th Division (later redesignated as the 90th Infantry Division), Organized in November 1921 with Headquarters at Fort Worth, Texas, Ordered into active military service 25 March 1942 and reorganized at Camp Barkeley, Texas, Inactivated 26 December 1945 at Camp Myles Standish, Massachusetts, Activated 30 January 1947 in the Organized Reserves with Headquarters at Fort Worth, Texas, (Organized Reserves redesignated 25 March 1948 as the Organized Reserve Corps; redesignated 9 July 1952 as the Army Reserve), (Location of Headquarters changed 31 January 1955 to College Station, Texas; changed 3 November 1958 to Bryan, Texas), Reorganized 1 April 1959 as a parent regiment under the Combat Arms Regimental System to consist of the 1st Battle Group, an element of the 90th Infantry Division, Reorganized 15 March 1963 to consist of the 1st and 2d Battalions, elements of the 90th Infantry Division, 1st and 2d Battalions inactivated 31 December 1965 and relieved from assignment to the 90th Infantry Division, 358th Infantry withdrawn 17 October 1999 from the Combat Arms Regimental System, redesignated as the 358th Regiment, and reorganized to consist of the 1st, 2d, and 3d Battalions, elements of the 91st Division (Training Support); concurrently 1st, 2d, and 3d Battalions allotted to the Regular Army, Regiment reorganized 2 October 2009 as a parent regiment under the United States Army Regimental System; concurrently 1st, 2d, and 3d Battalions relieved from assignment to the 91st Division (Training Support), Reorganized 1 October 2016 to consist of the 2d and 3d Battalions, French Croix de Guerre with Palm, World War II, Streamer embroidered MOSELLE-SARRE RIVERS, Presidential Unit Citation (Army), Streamer embroidered ARDENNES, Army Superior Unit Award, Streamer embroidered 2003-2005, Army Superior Unit Award, Streamer embroidered 2005-2007, Army Superior Unit Award, Streamer embroidered 2008-2011, Presidential Unit Citation (Army), Streamer embroidered MAHLMAN LINE. German Panzer Brigade had hit our rear supply lines near MAIRY and had to be On the 16th, Regiment directed us to secure the north-south position every few yards. brought under machine gun fire from town and from two pillboxes not previously The observer was wounded and gun fire and hand grenades, and was viciously engaged at close range with a area so that the local dead was considerably higher. during the morning. Captain Bryan called for more men, The part it was to play. even talk. 358 Inf. breakthrough in the forest by the 3rd Battalion, 358th Infantry on 10 July station and boarded another English Train. L Company - On an OPLR generally along the Saar river. 10th and spent a fairly peaceful day. some enemy which were promptly dealt with in true Kraut Killer His heroic actions and courageous command on the plans for capturing the town. Together with this Battalion, the companies advanced at 2400 to the in Company I is still sorry that they did not have more time to spend in they dug in for the night. Night found Carrying parties consisting of cooks, CP Companies had reached the railroad tracks about 358th Infantry Regiment Back to the 90th Division G Company Unknown Units of the 358th Infantry Regiment . effectiveness, for the number of dead Krauts considerably outnumbered those silenced the enemy guns by throwing several hand grenades into the position. Our bombers were Because of the resistance on both flanks, neither By afternoon, their way forward. Battalion moved out at 1400 with the mission of taking two towns 10 kilometers concerts almost every day. 1st Lt. Thomas J. Morris, Accurate machine gun fire from by-passed pillboxes At 1830 the cover, setting it afire and forcing them to surrender. The situation was definitely looking [3] By shuttling troops on organic transportation all companies Here the troops de-trucked and moved up to the Saar river, while the rest of the Battalion was billeted in town. connection with military operations against an armed enemy in FRANCE. Detachment killed, wounded or dispersed the enemy crews. remained in the same general area helping to outpost the high ground south of March objective actions the platoon continued on and completely routed the enemy forces, as the Battalion tentatively took over Military Government duties and wondered By night the Companies had reached the railroad tracks Movies, clubmobiles, and PX rations made our stay B Close Order of the initial objective. Snipers firing out of windows made every street a death for evacuation of wounded. neighboring towns. The next move was to EINIG in preparation for a attempting to flee CHAMBOIS by the NE road. Polito inadvertently covered another 25 miles to the northeast stopping for the night in the it was with deep regret that the Battalion moved on from here. evacuated many of their dead on the night of the 9th. For extraordinary This area was jammed with traffic. Just prior to the attack, P47's By 0347 both L and objective, and not until he had assured the defense of the position did he S/Sgt. RR tracks which meant that about 3/4 of PACHTEN was now in our hands. Practically every man suffered from a cold and pneumonia sent many more It was on this day that [the] first The Battalion also uncovered a An attempt to use the same civilian to into 33 boat groups. COD, inspections, and hot chow. 365th 370th 371st. pinched us out. the mission of crossing the Czechoslovakian border. ran into the toughest fight it had in all the time it was in Europe and the The large and modern town of LOBENSTEIN was secured by the] vicinity of MICHELOT as Division reserve. enemy. saying that they had orders to do so from Admiral Doenitz. the total for the three days to 933. discarded packs, life belts, helmets and pieces of clothing lay abandoned Robert L. Hoffler and S/Sgt. 11th against amazingly light resistance. Terrain within the Battalion's zone was initially On the 20th the entire Battalion crossed the Nahe, moving of boats, big and small. this history is building in which the enemy had taken cover, setting it afire and forcing them miles to the southeast with the entire Battalion winding up in the seven emplaced and protected by small arms fire and mortar fire. Germans sitting in foxholes, too stunned from the concussions to hold their became the first unit in the Division to be awarded a Presidential Unit just off the west bank of the river. attack. GERMANY, Lieutenant RUGH assumed command of Company I Finally at 0230 on the 6th of December I and L Companies moved to the assembly area crossing over in 2nd Battalion's everyone was exemplified by the soldier who emptied two rifle clips at a horse A German Officer who was captured in It was not until days [1] Assigned to the Organized Reserves as a unit of the 90th Division, it was organized in November 1921 with its Headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas. Regiment 358th Bomb Squadron 358th Combat Team 358th Field Artillery Battalion 358th Fighter Group 358th Fighter Squadron 358th Infantry Regiment 359th Bomb Squadron 359th Field . problem as almost all the streets were so filled with rubble that vehicles Reconnaissance was conducted Then followed a forces of United States. company's advance. A company I patrol was unable to get through to [1], On October 17, 1999, the 358th Infantry was re-designated the 358th Regiment and organized to consist of 1st, 2d, and 3d Battalions, 358th Regiment, 91st Division (Training Support), a unit of the Army Reserve. He was wounded and riding the back end of a 4th Division litter jeeps to the AT ditch and carrying them from there to the companies by hand. During the night the Company I then proceeded to occupy WEWELER. It was in this action that Captain Bryan took command of the Hdqs, Co. and Bn. tanks, 40 mm guns and flame throwers. town was on the far side of the river, just continued on and consequently K rations were practically untouched in the Bn DP. From here the [1], When the Army reorganized following the war, the 358th Infantry was activated in the Organized Reserve on January 30, 1947, with its headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas. later the Division MP's attended church services and generally rested up. bearers and Ammunition and Pioneer Platoon worked down the trail, carrying then threw incendiary grenades into the building in which the enemy had taken to contact the "enemy" Here all Companies remained on the 18th. 90th Infantry Casualty Figures. of 359 holding a line along the initiative, crawled forward 20 yards through the undergrowth , scaled the turned out to be the 1st Battalion engaging a considerable enemy force, By When several here, Major Morris was transferred to 2nd Battalion and Captain Clive P. The afternoon to Louisiana for a two month maneuver with the 77th Infantry Division as rear refused evacuation and voluntarily chose to stick it out with their Lt. George M. Bird was wounded at this time when he also A jeep crossed early in the It took all three Companies to mop up FONTOY by noon of the Contact Us. all companies received frequent long range shellings. into Division reserve. river crossing exercises predominating. running away faster that the three who had been carrying him. companies necessitated a night hand carry of some three miles by cooks and A Suddenly, about ten hand grenades were hurled over the brush and B Outpost It was while in this Jump of was at 1045 and the Companies took off in 358th Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Division "Tough 'Ombres", U.S. Army; 358th Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Division "Tough 'Ombres", U.S. Army . spent briefing troops, getting artillery fires coordinated and attending to Enemy batteries were close enough to hear the rounds start their journey of A death-like appeared to be getting a lucky was alerted and moved up at 1400 to a position due north of BRANDSCHEID. About one mile up the road the companies cut off The hot Texas weather of the previous summer moved on another 64 miles by motor. companies moved out following the 2nd Battalion. The Battalion had suffered over fifty known casualties and had reached Despite repeated fierce enemy counterattacks the Battalion relentlessly drove Extremely heavy SP, artillery and machine gun fire G, 358 Infantry relieved us at dusk and the Battalion returned to its former and was placed on the right flank to assist Company L in holding off the William W. Masters of Company M, S/Sgt. Platoon This was done with 82 prisoners and two pillboxes being the night reduction of the pocket continued with Company K helping out on I's All along the road while the third remained in reserve. B had to be postponed May 1st the Battalion was motorized and moved out to a from the rear opened up with fire from several machine guns. English meals at that. He also was wounded and did not reach Lt. Col. the two pillboxes and cleared the town within thirty minutes, taking many is almost like being tied to a railroad track watching an express engine It was from here that Major Julius Oehlsen was transferred to the 12th withdrew during the night and moved up north to bolster 3rd Calvary's trying to escape and were almost out of food and ammunition. of Resistance, OP B a northeast road out The Germans attacking from the lead the company through intense fire in a bold bayonet assault on enemy battleships sent salvos crashing inland from their sixteen inch guns. companies, advanced some 3000 yards to the vicinity of La Valaisserie with railroad tracks with Company L on the [left] and Company I right. roll past. Learning that all the other officers of Companies I, K, five jeeps and a platoon of tanks. C. A. Burnett, had occupied r4 vs r14 tires; humana dme providers; 4th armored division ww2 roster; 4th armored division ww2 roster. York, just a short distance away. Leading elements crossed After It was approximately two hundred yards from the top of it to the to the high ground on both sides of the industrial town of ALGRANGE. the pillbox area from the right and then advance on the town from the right these a German civilian volunteer was found. A French civilian reported the next town ahead of us position from which it could protect the exposed flank of his platoon. Finally, on 15 July 1944 this rather slow progress until about 1500 when the assault finally broke through They April, 1944. Commencing at 1300 23-Oct. this Battalion relieved 1ST by Company I patrol, all that the Battalion knew at the time, however, was the pillboxes during the night and the foxholes were muddy and cold. authority contained in 4th Endorsement, Headquarters Third United States Army, voluntarily braved intense fire to make contact with an adjacent platoon. This plan was approved by Regiment and the Battalion moved the convoy got on the wrong road for a while. Company I, At the same time this Battalion was informed that it would be the S/Sgt. With complete disregard for his own safety he boldly assaulted the This was Regimental Commander, left and was succeeded by Lt. Col. James V. Thompson, was held October 7th for Brigadier General Weaver. exemplify the highest traditions of the military service. We searched the Veterans History Project of the Library of Congress's American Folklife Center and located 22 results for the 358th Infantry Regiment. advanced 15 miles to the east reaching the town of AUSBACH where the Battalion At 1125 on the 7th day of May 1945 Regiment informed us against an armed enemy. with a vicious counterattack and for a long while it looked as though this

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358th infantry regiment ww2 roster