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In just a few minutes you can connect with a highly intuitive psychic and get tailor-made advice for your situation. If youre an Arcturian Starseed, your abilities, gifts, and talents may seem to come to life in the most unexpected ways. Pleiadian Starseeds are individuals who have experienced lives in the Pleiades star system before incarnating on Earth. Personal freedom and some alone time are exceptionally important for Arcturian star people. I also explored nature. You dont think of yourself or any other people as being superior or inferior to each other. I feel like i identify with Arcturian more but when i analyzed my own chart it showed I had more Plaeidian indications, but I dont really identify with them. Other starseeds have been incarnated here on Earth in order to bring change, balance and love into the human population (aka Newbies). Now Available The Starseeds Compass: A Guide to Identifying Your Souls Origin. Besides possessing embedded knowledge and particular inclinations, the human incarnations of Arcturian souls also share some physical characteristics with native Arcturians. This is done by remembering who they are. Still working for 20 years, on MY PLAN, finding goat farm, learning to make cheese, learning from old farmers, be friendly old craftsmanship people..looking at helping animals / build a shelter / sanctuary / and SERVING BY HELPING YOUTH GET MORE INTO THE INTERCONNECTIVITY of nature / and empathy / kindness / mindful of nature.. but too many years in the planning i cannot do it alone moving into FINDING FELLOW COMRADES.. to create some cool cheese, cool podcasts from the middle of maybe NORTH SPAIN, old ghost towns, or italy.. or france maybe greece.. You often find yourself being called upon to help people or give advice at just the right time. They often see things others dont or can see out of the corner of their eye when they look at someone else who isnt looking directly at them. We sometimes include products we think are useful for our readers. Other spiritual scholars disagree with the previous notion and believe that Arcturian starseed share some physical traits with the Arcturian people. There are no lifetimes on that planet and time as we know it doesnt exist there. And since the body comprises of a genetic combination of its parents, all starseeds look like regular humans, with standard deviations. This is a planet that is said to be an ascended one already, having already reached its highest potential of enlightenment. Best 21 Starseed Books You MUST Read In 2023, Are You A Blue Ray Starseed? Its not uncommon for these individuals to ask deep, philosophical questions, and you shouldnt be surprised. Many Arcturian starseeds remember their origins. You have Thirst For Knowledge. I have recorded a detailed video on the exact steps I took to find out my starseed origins here: I look forward to reuniting with my Galactic family in the 5D soon. Starseeds exist in all shapes and sizes. Arcturian Starseed Traits; Lyran Starseed Traits; Orion Starseed Traits; Andromedan Starseed Traits; Procyon Starseed Traits; 3.Use your Intuition - Some starseeds know exactly where they come from and where they've incarnated based on their experiences and even memories. Arcturian starseeds have all the necessary human faculties needed to bring about positive change, and this is often their main calling in life. Find out for sure by identifying starseed markings in your birth chart here. Book here: https://www. Everyone is this mantra so lets find out who and what we really are. Arcturus is a red giant star that is only 37 light-years away from Earth, and on clear nights it can be seen without telescopes or magnification. You may feel like theres more to your life than what you have now, or that you need something to balance out the energy here on Earth, because sometimes you may find yourself stepping on peoples toes or not feeling right when doing things that are in alignment with your soul mission. I only partially identify with Andromedans but mostly feel like im Arcturian so not sure if her analysis was correct or if i just posses traits from all my past lives. They just happened to be born on Earth at that time in history. They also arent concerned with trivialities and pettiness, as theyre emotionally evolved enough to dismiss them entirely. 9 possible reasons why, 10 spiritual meanings of yawning you need to know about, What is a spiritual journey? If you want to learn more about your specific mission, strengths and weaknesses and future, I recommend getting a free numerology reading. Arcturian starseeds prefer order, and they consider preparation as an essential part of every chore and work. Given their innate understanding of different scientific disciplines and fascination for technology, these starseeds are drawn into professions dedicated to designing and planning sustainable communities. Well, Arcturian souls become starseeds through a soul contract that reincarnates them here on Earth. They have an awareness of where they come from and why they were born here, but still struggle to understand themselves as separate from their environment, even though they know its part of them. Theyll often search for their purpose, usually discovering it later in their adulthood. Owner of 346 cats in a previous life. A starseeds mission is to bring love and light back into their soul. You may find yourself slipping into daydreams of the past frequently. They may also have larger hands and feet that seem to be closer to the ground than most peoples hands and feet. Main traits are. However, like with everything in this reality, we can never know for sure, so exercise your own discernment and only take on as truth that which resonates for you as truth. Learn about the Arcturian Alignment and what it means for Arcturian Starseeds! I think it might be possible. Even if you are in a relationship, you know its not what you want for your life. Thats why I recommend Psychic Source. Arcturians are fifth-dimensional beings who descended from the star Arcturus which is located within the Bootes constellation. I despise the cold. Seems like it might be true. The Starseeds Compass: A Guide to Identifying Your Souls Origin, How To Connect With Your ET Spirit Guides, Connect With Arcturus During the Arcturian Alignment, Misconceptions and Facts: Lies and Truth About the Business of Modeling, feel like the black sheep in their family, drawn to the night sky, astronomy and aliens, tend to have lower blood pressure, lower body temperature, drawn to sacred geometry, ley lines, ancient civilizations, drawn to fundamental sciences, like quantum physics, good at planning, organizing and building, interested in advanced technology, science and mathematics. Definitely resonating with Arcturian starseed traits. They have a high intelligence and are natural critical thinkers and natural analysts, being very mentally polarised. Arcturian: These profound beings come from Arcturus, the most advanced civilization in our galaxy. Heres an additional list of Arcturian traits exhibited by their starseeds: I also made a video about starseed signs in GENERAL if youre interested: Arcturian starseeds often have strong personalities as great communicators and teachers, exuding a powerful presence and wisdom-filled appearance. Given their natural inclinations towards physics, mathematics, astronomy, etc., youll likely find them trying to improve peoples lives through technological advancements. Can you tell me more about this please? The auras are named according to their colors - Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow. Just think peace love gratitude we all are conscious creators so lets create heaven on earth. Benjamin Franklin once said: For every minute spent in organizing, an hour is earned.. Indigo Starseeds: Strong-willed, stubborn, rebels, intuitive, hippies, adventurous, etc. Copyright 2022; All rights reserved. Many of them find themselves in leadership positions. We must use these gifts with an open heart and not out of anger, or for personal gain or self interest. Youll rarely find them in leading public roles, but rather in advisory positions. But then, I coukd be Arcturusn. You originate from Arcturus, the brightest star present in Bootes constellation. These traits from this article, was spot on 1.You're drawn to the night sky and it's many systems 2.You're fascinated by ancient civilizations and their cultures 3. . You are probably constantly exploring new ideas and concepts. Also, their heads crown seems to be slightly elongated, something noticeable only to careful observers. 20 Traits, Mission & Appearance, How I found out my starseed origin and you can too, The most common starseed types and their common traits. I also did a past life regression that showed me a blue avatar and that I was Arcturian. Our galaxy diameter is just a little over 100k light years. Most Arcturians feels at home on planet Earth. You may feel more at peace with yourself and with everything around you. As such, there isnt really an objective test for Starseed qualities. If the words, written in this article resonate deeply within you, you might be on the right path. The natural curiosity and inclinations towards natural sciences, patterns, and spirituality make Arcturian starseed individuals into capable and strongly-willed adults. This is because theyre born into human bodies, which are designed well for this planet and its existential plane. This will help you ascend, and move into 5D consciousness. Have a beautiful day! What is my purpose on planet Earth? Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. You have no interest in consumerism and showing the world that you are a success. In those regards, their primary focus is on balance and sustainability, which will help alleviate much of our own societal discord. You feel stressed when things are left to chance. They outwardly present themselves and often seem capable of doing or learning anything. So, if youre awakening to your souls truths about your starseed origins, read through our article about the Arcturians because you might very well be one. You know there is more to our human experience here on Earth, and you want to be able to understand it all. Some label these people as extraterrestrials or alien abductees. like to ask deep, philosophical questions. As they get great satisfaction in making groups of people laugh, theyre usually the life of the party if they bother to show up in the first place. Just go with the lifes flow, trust the oneness, live with the guidance of soul and align with soul, youll realise the answer one day. You want to help people heal, expand and grow. For example, one of these gifts is the ability to remove karma. They originate from the planet, Arcturus. Some scholars believe that Arcturian starseeds are leaner and more ectomorphic in their physical appearance, linking them to their Arcturian origins. may be interested in building, designing and planning the future on Earth maybe through sustainable energy, developing new community living models etc. I have actually written a whole blog post about this topic. They are also very sensitive to the cold and feel it more than others. Other physical traits include sharper features, such as prominent cheekbones and a higher nasal bridge, which is the area between the eyes and the nose. Arcturian beings tend to communicate with people telepathically or claircognizantly. By using a mixture of their divine knowledge from the spiritual realm, and implementing it into the physical reality of planet Earth, they can achieve incredible things. So if youre tired of wondering about whether youre from this planet or not, get in touch with a gifted advisor and take your future into your own hands. Arcturians are said to originate from a blue planet that orbits the star of Arcturus. Although they may not be conscious of their origins, they are aware of a deeper meaning to their existence and this is reflected in their work. You have excellent organizational skills. They also dislike pointing their face at the sun because of their sensitivity to the suns rays. Apart from potential physical differences, Arcturian starseed exhibit their traits from a very early age. The Pleiades is a star cluster located in the constellation Taurus. Not every time, but sometimes, Bootes pulses a bright, warm response. Enter your email below to unlock a free video that shows you how you can raise your frequency in 5 simple ways. You are so aware of whats going on around you and your life that it has a tendency to feel like a tape recording in fast forward. Thanks much, Julia! This race of starseed is from our closest galaxy Andromeda. Arctuiran star people, like many others, are born with a strong feeling of purpose, though that purpose might elude them during younger age. The Egyptian god of wisdom, Thoth, is also said to have a home in Arcturus. This can sometimes result in heated debates if someone disagrees with one of your strong opinions.

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