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Jeb Bush really didn't do anything to rig the vote in Florida. The election came down to the results in . Was there anything else that he could have done? (The case had also been argued on the basis of Article II jurisdictional grounds, which found favor with only Justices Scalia, Clarence Thomas, and William Rehnquist.) Undervotes (ballots that did not register any vote when counted by machine) were the subject of much media coverage, most of the lawsuits and the Florida Supreme Court ruling. [12], On election day itself, the extent of the mix-ups in the electoral rolls was such that "in a number of precincts in Florida's inner cities, the polling locations were heavily fortified with police. It would surely be accepted by the reviewing authority, which was the U.S. Senate, where Republicans were in control. The Republicans appealed that ruling to the U.S. Supreme Court, which voted 7-2 to end the Florida court's ordered recount. our elections: badly kept lists, shoddy ballots during the 2000 Presidential Election. In a 5-4 vote, the justices also ruled that no alternative method of recount could be established in a timely manner. The result in Florida was so close as to trigger a statewide mandatory machine recount according to the Florida Election Code. Florida state election law required a mandatory statewide machine recount. Q: Is the use of acetaminophen during pregnancy linked to autism or ADHD? On the Bush side they were led by James A. Baker III, the former secretary of state who had run successful presidential campaigns for Ronald Reagan and the nominee's father, George H. W. Bush. The case of Palm Beach Canvassing Board v. Katherine Harris (also known as Harris I) was a lawsuit about whether county canvassing boards had authority to extend manual recounts in order to inspect ballots for which the machine counter did not register a vote. He is also alleging thatthere have been widespread accounts of voter fraud in these uncalled states. Initial election returns showed that Gore had won the popular vote, but neither candidate had garnered the 270 electoral votes required to win the presidency. Bush, Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon. decided a hand recount could not be done in time for the electoral college vote According to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, "the vast majority of issues in Florida during the 2000 election were caused by an overall lack of leadership in preserving voting rights." In Florida in 2000, how many votes did Pat Buchanan receive? What was the primary election-year problem in Florida? It was the closest presidential election in American history, with only several hundred votes in Florida determining the winner out of more than 100 million ballots cast nationwide. Even though four other Optiscan counties (Hamilton, Polk, Seminole, Taylor) manually reviewed machine-rejected ballots for votes to include in their certified totals, Includes increase in Orange County's unofficially revised machine-tabulated vote total, due to machine later counting 512 ballots that were previously machine-rejected ("could not be distinguished from ballots that were accepted and counted they appeared to be properly completed"): Gore 249, Bush 184 (total 433). What followed was a five-week war over the ballots, the rules, the law and the courts. Direct link to SirenaWoodall's post It would of taken too muc, Posted 6 years ago. On November 13 the Gore campaign and Volusia and Palm Beach Counties sued to have the deadlines extended.[13]. Corrections? They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. Bush or Gore? According to the study, 3146 (3%) of the 111,261 examined overvotes "contained clear and therefore legally valid votes not counted in any of the manual recounts during the dispute. Shouldn't the electoral college be scrapped then? Dispute over the butterfly ballot a. a global recession. Direct link to ArmstronMakenna's post Shouldn't the electoral c, Posted 6 years ago. Most restrictive standard: requires fully punched chads and complete fills on optical scan ballots, no overvotes. Gore garnered 255 electoral votes to Bushs 246, but neither candidate won the 270 electoral votes necessary for victory. Furthermore, the Florida Administrative Code: 1S-2.0031, "Write-in Procedures Governing Electronic Voting Systems", (7) at the time specified, "An overvote shall occur when an elector casts a vote on the ballot card and also casts a write-in vote for a qualified write-in candidate for that same office. After calling the race, the networks began getting phone calls from Republicans. Bush ultimately prevailed after a strenuous fight, including an especially brutal effort by the Bush campaign in the South Carolina primary. The Gore campaign sued to force Miami-Dade County to continue its recount, but the Florida Supreme Court refused to consider the request. It was ostensibly completed on November 10 in the 66 Florida counties that used vote-counting machines and reduced Bush's lead to 327 votes. On November 28, Judge N. Sanders Sauls of Leon County Circuit Court rejected Gore's request to include the recount results from Miami-Dade and Palm Beach Counties. ET on their election night specials, the national networks were calling populous swing states such as Pennsylvania and Michigan for Gore. Direct link to ayushkadri's post No. The Court further held that it had "considerable uncertainty" as to the reasons given by the Florida Supreme Court for its decision. rejected by the Florida Supreme Court in its ruling of December 8, 2000, the lightly populated counties of Gadsden, Hamilton, Lafayette and Union. Gore had first called Bush to congratulate him on his victory, called again to rescind the concession. Volusia County started its recount on November 12. Please select which sections you would like to print: Michael Levy was political science editor (2000-06), executive editor (2006-11), editor of Britannica Blog (2010-11), and director of product content & curriculum (2011-12) at Encyclopaedia Britannica. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. [81] Florida State University professor of public policy Lance deHaven-Smith observed that, even considering only undervotes, "under any of the five most reasonable interpretations of the Florida Supreme Court ruling, Gore does, in fact, more than make up the deficit". Florida's secretary of state, Katherine Harris, a Republican, then gave counties until 2:00p.m. on November 15 to provide reasons for recounting their ballots. On November 9, the Bush campaign announced they had hired George H. W. Bush's former Secretary of State James Baker and Republican political consultant Roger Stone to oversee their legal team, and the Gore campaign hired Bill Clinton's former Secretary of State Warren .ambox{border:1px solid #a2a9b1;border-left:10px solid #36c;background-color:#fbfbfb;box-sizing:border-box}.mw-parser-output .ambox+link+.ambox,.mw-parser-output .ambox+link+style+.ambox,.mw-parser-output .ambox+link+link+.ambox,.mw-parser-output,.mw-parser-output,.mw-parser-output{margin-top:-1px}html body.mediawiki .mw-parser-output .ambox.mbox-small-left{margin:4px 1em 4px 0;overflow:hidden;width:238px;border-collapse:collapse;font-size:88%;line-height:1.25em}.mw-parser-output .ambox-speedy{border-left:10px solid #b32424;background-color:#fee7e6}.mw-parser-output .ambox-delete{border-left:10px solid #b32424}.mw-parser-output .ambox-content{border-left:10px solid #f28500}.mw-parser-output .ambox-style{border-left:10px solid #fc3}.mw-parser-output .ambox-move{border-left:10px solid #9932cc}.mw-parser-output .ambox-protection{border-left:10px solid #a2a9b1}.mw-parser-output .ambox .mbox-text{border:none;padding:0.25em 0.5em;width:100%}.mw-parser-output .ambox .mbox-image{border:none;padding:2px 0 2px 0.5em;text-align:center}.mw-parser-output .ambox .mbox-imageright{border:none;padding:2px 0.5em 2px 0;text-align:center}.mw-parser-output .ambox .mbox-empty-cell{border:none;padding:0;width:1px}.mw-parser-output .ambox .mbox-image-div{width:52px}html.client-js .mw-parser-output .mbox-text-span{margin-left:23px!important}@media(min-width:720px){.mw-parser-output .ambox{margin:0 10%}}. during the presidential election of 2000, which state's voting system came under enormous scrutiny because of voting irregularities caused by poorly designed ballots? In 2000, Florida was allocated 25 electors because it had 23 congressional districts and 2 senators. His Democratic opponent, Al Gore, officially conceded on December 13 and stated in a televised address, While I strongly disagree with the courts decision, I accept it.. Furthermore, the number of undervotes correlates with how well the punch-card machines are maintained, and not with factors such as race or socioeconomic status. He captured it easily, seeing off a challenge from Bill Bradley, a former U.S. senator from New Jersey. Kohut thought the first waves of exit polls leaned too much on what appeared to be an over-sampling of demographic groups inclined to vote Democratic. Direct link to SoccerboyH2's post IF the results were "scat, Posted 2 years ago. In 2000 that process took five weeks and only ended at the Supreme Court. The answer to your question is-they could have decided to not send their electoral votes to Congress but they really wanted to send their votes as not sending them would have effectively disenfranchised everyone in Florida . While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Although theres much legal turmoil, the president is behind in a number of states -- not just one like in 2000. If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains * and * are unblocked. The 2000 presidential election was the closest in the history of the US Electoral College and the first ever to be decided by the US Supreme Court. Ballots received after deadline, lacking required postmarks, unsigned, undated, cast after election day, from unregistered voters or voters not requesting ballots, lacking witness signature or address, or double-counted. The Bush campaign immediately petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court for a stay of the recount order, which was granted on December 9. First of all, this is a completely different election from the one 20 years ago, Goretold NBC News, saying that Biden has multiple pathways to secure his victory over Trump. "[7], The Florida election was closely scrutinized after Election Day. [2] That deadline arrived two hours after the release of the Court's decision. [11], In late October, one poll found that Gore was leading Bush and third parties by 44424 among registered voters and 46424 among likely voters, but that poll had a margin of error of four percentage points, making the race too close to call. On November 11, it joined a group of Florida voters in suing in federal district court for a preemptive injunction to stop all manual recounting of votes in Florida. Have Any U.S. Presidents Decided Not to Run For a Second Term? Direct link to Mr. S's post B.K., sounds like you are, Posted 5 years ago. The case then raced through the state-level court and headed to the US Supreme Court. That meant he would be president. By November 10 the machine recount was complete, and Bushs lead stood at 327 votes out of six million cast. No. The state's electorate was becoming more diverse in general, with growing Asian and Hispanic immigrant populations. Ultimately, the contest focused on Florida. The election hinged on results from the state of Florida, where the vote was so close as to mandate a recount. Tanner, Robert and Sharon L. Crenson. Bush won 12 of 23 congressional districts. After a five-week legal blitz that virtually ended in the Supreme Court, Bush was named the next president of the United States. By the time the networks switched Florida to Bush, the Texan had enough Electoral College support to be the projected winner. "[6] The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights found that an "overall lack of leadership in protecting voting rights was largely responsible for the broad array of problems in Florida during the 2000 election. the same name, a blank space or a historical or fictional name (1): the same name, a blank space or an uncertified person's name, the same name, a blank space, a historical or fictional name or an uncertified person's name. Some have argued that awarding the electors in this manner would be illegal. Direct link to David Alexander's post There are many possible r, Posted 6 years ago. Bush v. Gore has been regarded as one of the most politically consequential decisions in the history of the court, and one that damaged the court's preferred image of itself as an institution far removed from everyday partisan politics. On December 8, the Florida justices, by a 43 vote, rejected the selective use of manual recounts in just four counties and ordered immediate manual recounts of all ballots in the state where no vote for president had been machine-recorded, also known as undervotes. A: There is currently no strong evidence that acetaminophen use during pregnancy causes autism or ADHD in children. County officials tried to discern voter intent through a cloud of hanging chads (incompletely punched paper ballots) and pregnant chads (paper ballots that were dimpled, but not pierced, during the voting process), as well as overvotes (ballots that recorded multiple votes for the same office) and undervotes (ballots that recorded no vote for a given office). The only thing that could be done was to recount the votes but that was stopped. On December 12, 2000, in a 72 ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the Florida Supreme Courts decision that manual recounts of ballots should continue in some counties, holding that the various methods and standards of the recount process violated the equal protection clause of the U.S. Constitution. Bush, against Democrat Al Gore, former senator from Tennessee and vice president in the administration of. a) running for congress b) writing about immigrants c) leading factor riots d) speaking against slavery. The following were the members of the Electoral College from the state. In the Election of 2008, Florida had 27 electoral votes. CNN's Gloria Borger explores the 2000 election in a special report Monday at 9 p.m. Despite the continued economic growth that Gore could attribute to his economic stewardship with Clinton, early in the general election campaign it appeared that Bush might easily defeat Gore, who appeared wooden and dismissive of Bush in the campaigns debates and who was criticized repeatedly by the Bush campaign as an exaggerator. These standards are applied to both undervotes and overvotes. A full, official recount of all votes statewide could have gone either way, but one was never conducted. Robert King/Getty Images Omissions? He shared his displeasure with someone who was likely to offer a sympathetic ear John Ellis, a Fox analyst and member of the extended Bush family. Florida state law at the time allowed a candidate to request a manual recount by protesting the results of at least three precincts. ballots recorded by the assigned review coders as either having "multiple marks" or no punches in the presidential section of ballots, or having indications of voter intent (that meet dynamic filter criteria) recorded by just one of three coders. Under the FAC, a ballot with any other name written in (including Bush and Gore, who were not qualified as write-in candidates) was not an overvote, but rather a valid vote for the candidate whose name was marked by the voter. At the time, Republicans expressed dismay at the idea of a recount. The 2000 election was determined by the American voting public. Q: When the votes were recounted in Florida, who won the 2000 presidential election? Florida Attorney General Robert Butterworth in his advisory opinion to county canvassing boards wrote:[60]. In the month following the election, some 50 individual suits were filed concerning the various counts, recounts, and certification deadlines. [19] .templatequote{overflow:hidden;margin:1em 0;padding:0 40px}.mw-parser-output .templatequote .templatequotecite{line-height:1.5em;text-align:left;padding-left:1.6em;margin-top:0}. a) helping the poor b) writing about slavery c) her Abolitionist newspaper d) running the underground railroad, what was fredrick dounglass best known for? While the races in Florida last week appeared to be decided by thousands or tens of thousands, the presidential count there in 2000 was being measured in hundreds. The next day, the Florida Supreme Court allowed manual recounts in Palm Beach and Broward Counties to continue but left it to a state judge to decide whether Harris must include those votes in the final tally. Please select which sections you would like to print: Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. 3.06 Elections and Voting. On November 21, the Florida Supreme Court ruled unanimously that manual counts in Broward, Palm Beach and Miami-Dade Counties must be included and set 5:00p.m. on November 26 as the earliest time for certification. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. 2000 Election Facts Outcome of race unknown for several weeks due to dispute over close vote totals in Florida Green Party candidate Ralph Nader received 2,882,728 votes, but no Electoral Votes Gore won DC; however one elector did not cast a vote One of only 5 elections (1824, 1876, 1888, 2000, 2016) where the popular vote winner was defeated Election results in some states, including New Mexico and Oregon, were too close to call, but it was Florida, with its 25 electoral votes, on which the outcome of the election hinged. Salvado says that this alone cost Gore the election. In the hours that followed, the nation came to know the name Katherine Harris. Optical-scan counties were the only places in the study where Gore gained more votes than Bush, 1,036 to 775. As the manual recounts progressed, most of Florida's counties were considering overseas absentee ballots. Cunningham estimated the number of Buchanan supporters in Palm Beach County to be between 400 and 500. In the 2000 Election, the State of Florida officials A. declared Al Gore the winner when the recount deadline passed B. decided that the recount should continue in all counties until complete C. decided that the recount procedures went against the U.S. Constitution D. declared George Bush the winner when the recount deadline passed 2 See answers The US Presidential Election of 2000 featured George W. Bush and Al Gore. We shall see how long it takes to resolve this time. How does the election of 2000 compare to other presidential elections? Bush's name appeared at the top of the ballot, sparing most Bush voters from error. Direct link to shawnfu02's post Would it have been possib, Posted 6 years ago. Among the many bad things aboutBush v. Gore, one of the worst is it takes, like, till page seven until you find out the outcome of the case, Ron Klain, a Gore aide,toldthe Atlantic. Conservative writer Andrew Sullivan in a contemporaneous article:[61]. All were among 10,310 undervotes in the county. On December 12, the same day as the U.S. Supreme Court ruling, the Florida House approved awarding the state's electoral votes to Bush, but the matter was moot after the Court's ruling. Eventually, the Gore campaign appealed to the Florida Supreme Court, which ordered the recount to proceed. Some media reports focused on undervotes (chad blocked hole, wrong ink or pencil used, partial oval mark not detected, humidity affected scanner, ballot feeder misalignment), while others also included overvotes (hole punched or oval filled plus a write-in name, other multi-marked ballots). For example, 21,188 of the Florida overvotes, or nearly one-fifth of the total, originated from Duval County, where the presidential ballot was split across two pages and voters were instructed to "vote every page". So Im reading along, reading along, reading along. The 2000 United States presidential election in Florida took place on November 7, 2000, as part of the nationwide presidential election. Networks initially projected Gore the winner in that state but later declared that Bush had opened an insurmountable lead. The results of the 2000 U.S. presidential election are provided in the table. [77] NORC investigators were able to examine 175,010 ballots, 99.2% of Florida's total,[78] but county officials were unable to deliver "as many as 2,200 problem ballots" to NORC. Since then, we have seen several elections in which exit polling over-sampled voters with college and post-college educations possibly because these voters are more willing to complete an exit poll "ballot" as they leave their polling place. A: Nobody can say for sure who might have won. To win the presidency, candidates must win a majority of votes in the Electoral College. It also remarks that there were variations between examiners and that election officials often did not provide the same number of undervotes as were counted on Election Day. Judges are either elected or politically appointed, so probably not in the way you are trying to get at. Gore called Bush to concede the election, but in the early hours of the following morning it became apparent that the Florida race was much closer than Gores staff had originally believed. On December 9, the Court suspended the manual recount, in progress for only several hours, on the grounds that irreparable harm could befall Bush, according to a concurring opinion by Justice Antonin Scalia. The controversy in detail: A big recount controversy in Florida, a swing state, took centre stage in the election. Do I believe that these people inadvertently cast their votes for Pat Buchanan? Following the machine recount, the Gore campaign requested a manual recount in four counties. Although electors are pledged to their candidate and running mate, they are not obligated to vote for them. Five hundred thirty-seven votes. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. On election night in November, television news networks initially declared that Gore had won Florida, despite several polls open in Republican-leaning districts, with voters still casting their ballots. Florida statutes also required that all counties certify and report their returns, including any recounts, by 5:00p.m. on November 14. That's all that separated Democrat Al Gore and his Republican challenger George W. Bush when, on November 26, 2000, three weeks after Election Day, the state of. None of these findings are certain. Lawyers for the two sides began arriving in Florida, focusing on the state capital of Tallahassee. Based on exit polls in Florida, the news media declared Gore the winner, but as the actual votes were tallied, Bush appeared to command the lead. 2000 United States presidential election recount in Florida, NORC-sponsored Florida Ballot Project recount, County-by-county standards for write-in overvotes in 2000. Subsequent statements by Lewis and internal court documents support the likelihood that overvotes would have been included in the recount. The Bush campaign subsequently appealed to the Supreme Court of the United States, which took up the case Bush v. Palm Beach County Canvassing Board on December 1. "Under the two most likely scenarios, Bush Wins Florida." in the election of 2000 florida was brainly . The campaign They had won Florida, they insisted. Bush led Gore in Florida by 1784 votes. Will the current Florida conundrum need a resolution from the same source? what was harriet tubman beat know for? Florida Code Section 101.5614[5] states that no vote "shall be declared invalid or void if there is a clear indication of the intent of the voter. [15], On December 13, Gore conceded the election to Bush in a nationally televised address. The NORC adjusted its analysis for the Orange County results and a few minor differences by increasing the starting baseline vote total by 535 votes. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. a) helping the poor b) writing about slavery c) her Abolitionist newspaper d) running the underground railroad, what was fredrick dounglass best known for? [79] Some counties produced their rejected ballots by rerunning all ballots through tabulation machines but were unable to deliver all problem ballots because machines accepted more ballots than previously certified and rejected fewer. Not from where I'm sitting and what I'm looking at." The results were 49% for Gore and 40% for Bush, with 11% uncertain or not wishing to respond.[86]. Because Clinton had been such a popular president, Gore had no difficulty securing the Democratic nomination, though he sought to distance himself from the Monica Lewinsky scandal and Clintons impeachment trial. For those with memories going back four decades, all this was no accident. [16][17], During the recount, controversy ensued with the discovery of various irregularities that had occurred in the voting process in several counties. *One Gore elector from Washington, D.C., abstained from casting an electoral vote. Circle Countries that came under the rule of a fascist government and dictator before WWII began Another point of controversy in the 2000 election was the fact that George W. Bush's brother, Jeb Bush, was the governor of Florida at the time of the recount, although no evidence of wrongdoing surfaced. Could Florida have decided not to send its electors to the Electoral College if it did not have time to ensure the election was properly counted? ET CNN After the grueling 36-day Florida recount battle, Al Gore finally conceded the presidency to. Officials in a majority of punch-card counties said they would accept a single-corner detached chad as an indicator of voter intent, and officials in a majority of optical scan counties said they would accept all affirmative marks as described in NORC codes as indicators of voter intent. It is safe to say the wounds from the battles of 18 years ago have never healed not in Florida and not in the nation's highest court. Based on the review of these ballots, their results indicated that Bush would have won if certain recounting methods had been used (including the one favored by Gore at the time of the Supreme Court decision), but that Gore might have won under other standards and scenarios. Of the overvotes, 68,476 chose Gore and a minor candidate; 23,591 chose Bush and a minor candidate. [83] Under the other standards used in the study, Bush's margin of victory increased as looser standards were used. The study also found that undervotes originating in optical-scan counties differ from those from punchcard counties in a particular characteristic.

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in the election of 2000 florida was brainly