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She shows up later at The Hub's back alley and gives Hyde the pot she bought off her housekeeper. Chip falls unconscious. She tells W.B. Jackie: Yeah, six months ago. This also created a lot of friction between them, and left everyone quite puzzled as to how these two people who disagree on every aspect of life, are together. He puts his hand on the small of her back in a partial hug. Jackie looks as if she's going to cry, and Hyde says scornfully, "Oh, what are you going to do now, cry?" In Heartbreaker, Hyde sincerely apologizes for dating Jackie and says he hadnt planned for this, the this being developing strong enough feelings to keep on dating her. Hyde: Thats not a guarantee I can ever give you. Heartbreaker: Directed by David Trainer. Jackies been the main person supporting him during this transition, and disrespecting her is a way of protecting himself from adulthood. After Hydes sister, Angie, makes him look bad in front of their father, Jackie is genuinely upset on his behalf. Hyde is clearly not happy when Laurie burns Jackie in the basement. New Jackie and Hyde fan fiction continue to be posted on, and the pairing has over 2,000 stories and counting on the site. He refuses, saying, "Hey, how about instead you hit me in the face with a wrench, and I black out?". I need to know the guy Im in love with isnt gonna blow me off for a roomful of toys. Eric is determined to fight for their right to be together, until he sees Donna in her new school uniform. In "Do You Think It's Alright?" Jackie says, I like the way his scruffy beard felt on my soft, creamy, porcelain skin, but Black Dog is an episode all about how she hates his beard and wants him to shave it. After their unsuccessful date, Jackie and Hyde's relationship is treated by season 3 and season 4's storylines, with rare exception, as if it never existed. Hyde asks Jackie with disdain if she wants to be a burnout now. Fez wants to ask Jackie out, and Hyde says, "That's a bad idea, Jackie's on the rebound right now. Jackie says, "How do I know [Steven] loves me if he doesn't obey me?" She wants to cheer [Steven] up because his sister and Kelso are sleeping together. Hyde is barely coherent when he answers, unsure of what happened himself, but Jackie puzzles it together and says, "[Chip] called me a bitch, and you hit him!" Michael Kelso: Look, Hyde, I know you don't wanna tell Jackie that you're sorry, but there's gotta be some things that you did that you wish you hadn't done. Jackie also pops in on Hydes lunch with W.B. Hes doing so to protect her, out of his love for her. Jackie's reaction to Hyde's revelation about her name is to scream that she hates him and to physically attack him. He tells Jackie, for the first time, that he loves her. But Hyde could really be himself with Jackie and could actually open up to her, because she never judged him for who he is, despite their fights. She says the kiss was hot then asks him if he felt anything. "Down The Road Apiece," though it gets Jackie and Hyde back together, has major issues. Quit it! But Jackie loves hyde even though he doesnt have any money. When Jackie says that last line, she kisses Hyde then hugs him, and he doesnt push her away. She has a camera with her and takes as many pictures as she can. He finally and truly "released" Jackie in the previous episode, having realized she'd grown beyond him thanks to Hyde. Hyde returns home after spending two weeks in Las Vegas. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Jackie happily accepts the task of planning Hyde's eighteenth birthday, though so does everybody else. [Kelso leaves. He doesnt seem to object to the idea of him and Jackie as a unit, just to the idea of him becoming a money-grubbing corporate zombie.. Jackie says, "[Playing with toys] is whats more important than going to a party with me?" By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Michael Kelso: Jackie wants you to know that there was a mess 'cause she was wearing the wrong fabric. Kelso became a father and a police officer, which meant eventually outgrowing his childish ways. In the circle, Jackie almost reveals Hyde's pet name for her, but he stops her by shoving Eric's birthday cake in her face. Michigan Ave does no harm. The only other young couple on the show was Eric and Donna, and fans unanimously agree that they were pretty boring and had uninventive storylines. Hyde gets arrested instead. Hyde appreciates the gesture, despite the inedible nature of the cookies. At the end of the episode, Hyde laments the fact that he and Jackie used to kind of just hang out before they were in a romantic relationship. Hyde catches Jackie when Donna shoves the Formans' kitchen door open (Hyde, Jackie, Kelso, and Fez were eavesdropping on her breakup with Casey Kelso). Thats my job!. Hyde doesn't like this answer and says, "You should probably think about that, man. In a later episode where Jackie is sneaking into the Foreman house, Hyde and Jackie both vehemently deny doing it (except . One significant change to the characters stories so far is with Donna Pinciotti, whose character arc was betrayed as she likely had her daughter later that year in 1980 after adamantly stating she didnt want kids yet. Theyre chosen over Donna and Hyde to be Betsys godparents because Kelso thinks theyre gonna last longer. Zenmasters is the pairing between Jackie Burkhart and Steven Hyde, named after Hyde's lessons to Jackie about how to be Zen in "Cat Fight Club". She informs him she signed them up for roller-disco lessons at Skate World that night. The one pop culture couple who made us question the opposites attract theory is definitely Jackie Burkhart (Mila Kunis) and Steven Hyde (Danny Masterson) from That '70s Show. As cute as that is, it goes back to her father and how financial success once topped her perfect partner list. Do Jackie and Hyde get back together in season 6? He also makes her promise not to talk about weddings or marriage "in or around the United States". Donation link: - Fez would not fly nowadays.Hi guys, if you enjoy watching the videos please consider donating to . Hyde: Jackie, are you still mad? In addition, Hyde demonstrates he knows how Jackie thinks when they play (and win) Password against Eric and Donna. Jackie keeps both hands on his knee. Related:That '90s Show Needs To Follow Fuller House's Format. Hyde refuses, and Jackie says, Steven, you never do anything I say. This contradicts what we see in the previous episode where Hyde called W.B. They put each other down publicly many times and shamed each other without remorse. Jackie, though, still acts undecided in "Celebration Day". Hyde, wanting to find out the truth of his feelings, invites Jackie on a "freakin' date". Kitty: And every time something means a lot to you, you push it away before it can push you away. runs a music business, its still a business, and Jackie tries to help Hyde as best she can. Hyde doesnt dispute the we Jackie used. It's gonna melt. This episode serves as a continuation of "Love, Wisconsin Style". The former high school sweethearts ended the iconic series . Subtextually, though, their behavior tells another story. But then two seasons later, when hes supposed to be the same age, always complains about him and Eric still being at home. After W.B. When he has trouble comforting Jackie properly about her father's imprisonment ("Black Dog"), he doesn't give up. Were gonna be rich. He hesitates, says no, then he almost recants it by saying, "Well" then he reaffirms his no. At his wits' end, Hyde composes a haiku for her on the spot to "explain [his] feelings" to her. That's right, 31, and ashton kutcher and michael kelso returned to partners. Theirs is arguably the most popular ship from the show. ", Jackie: "Look at who decided to finally show up [at the party].". In the end, she decides that she loves herself the most and will take the summer to make her choice between her ex-boyfriends. Discussions about them thrive on social media sites such as and on message boards like, generating thousands of likes and reblogs as well as hundreds of thread topics through the years. Fans were shocked when the anti-capitalist Hyde got together with Jackie, who was the very epitome of Western consumerism. It has to be said out loud, Jackie and Hyde both had such distinct personalities that whenever they were together, it made for great screen time. Bad Jackie!". They have a hot make-out session in the basement that's interrupted by Hyde's leather-clad date (Raquel). Hyde admits to Donna that he is "laying traps left and right to get Kelso caught". Jackie's taste in men also changed when she fell for Hyde. Without demonstration of this growth to balance her lust at Hydes corporate-speak, it becomes a character-reversion instead of a simple of-the-moment response. Its clear they were discussing what had happened with W.B. 2120 So. because of her influence. Their fans also point out undeniable physical chemistry. Jackie wants Hyde to be "on the streets" so he'll have to rely on her and his "love for [her] will grow]. mary's authentic amish bed and breakfast . In "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction," in order to catch the viewer up on what happened, Jackie asks Hyde, So, Steven, did you have a good time when you went out with your new dad? Its at least the next day from the previous episode, but Hyde would have shared his experience with Jackie first and alone. Youre, like, a square, a cheerleader. "Okay, so new rule: they're not allowed to smoke alone together," Eric said, looking around at everyone else as they nodded in approval. Fans were always anxious about what Jackie and Hyde would do even if they did manage to end up with each other. Perhaps not perfectly, but after another year of being with him, she would have continued to grow and change. At one point, especially in Season 6, their relationship dynamic was a huge draw for audiences. He actually envisioned a future with her, in spite of the fact that the relationship didnt start on the right foot. You like me in a wedding dress, which means that -- someday -- were gonna get married.. and he gives in. Cause when Stevens miserable, I know our relationships in good shape. Hyde says, Then weve been tip-top since the day we met.. During the course of the date, Hyde gives Jackie his denim jacket. Jackie goes to Mrs. Forman for help. During seasons 1-5, compassion was shown to be mixed into her egocentricity. Shes looking out what she believes are Hydes best interests. that hes wrong about Steven and that Steven is perfect. Jackie points out to Kelso that Steven grew up without a father. Jackie says, "But you promised youd go," and Hyde says, "Jackie if I promised, I clearly wasnt listening, which you should have known, so this is your fault. In fact, Jackie made a much stronger effort to keep her relationship with Hyde alive than she ever did with Michael, which was a sign that she was serious about him. Jackie deserved a loving partner who would cherish her for the way she is, but it was evident that she was dating guys for the wrong reasons. He puts his own dislike of their relationship aside and gets them back together. When Jackie and Donna try to play-fight, the playing grows violent and Hyde pulls Jackie from the fray. She says Hyde is "wondering, 'How can I open up to her [Jackie] when everyone I have ever loved have abandoned me? arrives at the Formans, Jackie and Hyde sit next to each other on the living room couch. Hyde probably felt like he and Jackie could go far but that frightens him because his difficult past makes him believe he will fail. Jackie, heartbroken about not being able to go to the junior prom, asks Hyde to take her. Jackie proves herself to be the braver person, however, and risks confessing she wants to be with Hyde. She becomes a scapegoat for his fear. He tells her he thinks Brooke Rockwell is hot when Jackie asks him. You know, I should probably be more generous and considerate with you but I am what I am. He only fully realizes this after they have their first real kiss. She attempts to get another, "I love you" out of him, but he tells her not to "push it," and they kiss. He and Kelso fight over Jackie at the water tower, resulting in Kelso falling off it. Jackie says, "Steven I am so sorry about what happened in Chicago. I thought I'd lost my little Puddin' Pop forever." You are.". and starting a true career has freaked Hyde out. Jackie says to Hyde that "This hatred thing you have for me is just you protecting yourself." Jackie runs to the scene and asks Hyde what happened. Hyde teases Jackie at her new job, saying, "The floor is shiny and I can see your heiny.". Michael Kelso: [angrily] That better be the rash talking! Michael Kelso: Well, somebody ought to make that clear. Red says, Thanks for standing around saying, Ew, grease! Jackie is covered head-to-to in motor oil all day in Career Day, and she learned how to fix a car quickly. Jackie Burkhart: Alright. Michael Kelso: [nods] Now, see, that's something that Jackie oughta know. His answer as to why he does so is simple: Shes my chick.. She is "shallow and rich and mean and bossy everything that [he] hate[s]" (Jackie Bags Hyde). Ive been doing just fine since my dad disappeared into the jungle to bring freedom to the grateful natives. Yes, she created a fantasy story rather than stating the truth, that her fathers in prison. Jackie convinces Hyde to spend time with her buy offering to pay for a meal at The Sizzler. Finally, Jackie realizes the depth of Hyde's rejection, and she says, "Oh, God, Steven and I will never happen. Believe me, I dont wanna talk about us, either.. In "Mother's Little Helper," we dont get much in the way of Jackie/Hyde interaction, but what we do get is good. I never felt this way about a girl before, okay? Certain scripted scenes and unscripted moments between Jackie and Hyde, however, have created a "Zennie" subtext that link the two main halves of the relationship. He even goes to far as to teach her an emotional-distancing technique of his, something he calls "Zen," so that she won't succumb to Laurie's taunts. and our Hyde invites Jackie to the circle for the first time. Afterward, Jackie claims she "didn't feel anything," and Hyde seems surprised. Jackie is again protective of Hyde against Angie when Angie gets promoted out of Grooves to the corporate office. Hyde enters the Foremans' kitchen angrily. ", Kelso tries numerous times to break Jackie and Hyde up, but his attempts fail until "Your Time Is Gonna Come". In "I'm a Boy" during the circle, Hyde and Jackie have a very revealing moment. Hyde often urges his friend Michael Kelso to break up with Jackie, but he also doesn't approve of Kelso's bad behavior toward her (e.g., abandoning Jackie to danger in Halloween and cheating on her with Eric Forman's sister, Laurie). Jackie is touched and proclaims she loves him, to his dismay. Partly as a result of these changes, she and Donna become better friends. Hyde had a very tough childhood growing up, probably plenty of trauma and neglect. Crap!". -how did hyde know what motel Jackie was at in Chicago and how did kelso know hyde was going to propose to Jackie if hyde didnt tell anyone and was gone for a month? In spite of the on-off relationship, Jackie was one of the few women who Hyde was actually committed to for a really long time. -even in that 90s show, in one episode kitty talks about going to her moms grave. We made a point-by-point analysis to see if they really belonged together. In the beginning of the episode, we learn that she continually pushed for him to call [his] father. Season 7, however, robbed them of that growth, reverting Jackie back to her previously discarded marriage-and-money-obsessed ways and turning Hyde into someone who seemed to forget his deep (and hard-fought) love for her. He says, "Nothing?" I know its just a tv show and these are done for laughs, but I dont understand how they even exist. In "Rip This Joint", despite the partially out-of-character writing thats plagued Jackie and Hyde thus far, theyre still being written as a close-knit couple. You kiddin me? Meanwhile, Hyde believes Jackie wants to get back together with him and Eric meets someone with his likes and hobbies, but whose life makes him think about his own future. Red allows Hyde to stay in the house once Donna tells him the truth about Jackie's pot. Jackie not only sits on Hydes lap, but their fingers are entwined for a good part of it. Hyde obviously respects Jackies deviousness. But, no. Later, it's Jackie whom Hyde goes to about his feelings. That '90s Show. Hyde breaks up with her over this, but Jackie wins him back by finally telling him she loves him -- and without expecting to hear it in return ("Babe I'm Gonna Leave You".). Hyde gets angry, says, "No, you don't!" Despite that, Jackie still calls him by his first name unlike season 1. She says, "I just wanted you to know that I'm not a square cheerleader. This is heartbreaking, especially when one remembers how in-love he was with her during The Immigrant Song. Oh, God." I cant go. So that would mean that Jackie and Fez broke up the same year she and Kelso got back together and had their child. This doubt is completely understandable, considering how he acted toward her in Winter. Upon seeing Kelso making out with another girl, Jackie shouts, "Get off my boyfriend!" He continues to stare, in-love, after she kicks his shin and while Kelso slings his arm around him, claiming that no "chick is gonna come between [them] anymore". Red sets up his muffler shop, and his dialogue about Jackie contradicts a very early deepening of her character in "Career Day". Kelso complains about Hyde's final tally. Part of the reason why these discussions and fanfictions are so popular is because of the horrible way in which their relationship was treated in season 8 and the disappointment in the fact that they did not end up together. ", Jackie begins to idealize Hyde even further and sees him clad in shining armor and sitting on a horse. Jackie asks Donna why Hyde "had to hurt me like that". -when Jackie and Hyde are sleeping in his room because Jackie is alone at home, it is completely quiet. Am I even worthy of love?'" -in season 7, when hyde and Jackie break up, fez tries to get them back together but when they start to want to get back together says they shouldn't get together because it's sick if they do. I mean, thinking you wanted something from him. Hyde and Jackies discussion comes across as somewhat superficial and doesnt indicate that they have much practice at having deep conversations. Hyde defends and protects her against Laurie. This moment evidences that he and Jackie communicated important things to each other, but it also continues Jackies character-regression. That '90s Show will likely bring back many of the main characters from the original, and can undo a missed relationship opportunity from its finale. Hyde helps Jackie and Kelso "figure out" what they "owe each other" monetarily. Jackie says, "Look, why didn't you tell me sooner you wanted to get married?" Hyde says to Jackie, Screw it. Hyde says, "You could have been a man and forgiven her. Toward the end of their date, Jackie asks Hyde what he thought of it. Jackie also says, And I knew being with him would piss of my mom, but her mom was absent until halfway through season 6. Seasons 5 and 6 contradict this depiction. The characters' interaction with each other is limited, and neither of them mentions their kiss to anyone. And then I ate it and then I wished I hadn't have done that. At times, they were ideal mates but they also had plenty of issues. The fact that they stuck by each other despite so much friction and were transparent about their relationship was a huge draw for the early 2000s audiences because it depicted a new kind of teenage romance. tells them they have a dress code. Characterization was sacrificed for technical necessity. Summary: As punishment for Donna going away to California, Bob transfers her to a Catholic School, which means that Donna won't get to see Eric as much. This is not to say that couples who are vastly different cant make it work, but Hyde and Jackies case is really exceptional because they have both antagonized each other in the past so severely and fans just couldnt figure out why they chose to be together. Jackie inadvertently lets slip her pet name for Hyde, and Hyde's teased relentlessly for it. Jackie and Hyde's relationship before the episode "Kiss of Death" ranges from mutual annoyance to compassion. Jackies words could be taken tongue-in-cheek. Something more important came up." Sometimes, when Jackie gets sad, she remembers that night . I wish my daddy could buy him for me. He never had a real family (outside of the Formans), and she wants him to have the typical, loving family experience with all the accoutrements including a family album. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! In fact, he relents, saying, Fine, Ill call if you both promise to stop bothering me about it and let me do it by myself. The above exchange, at its core, essentially states that Jackie and Hyde love each other. The following scene in the episode is a favorite of Zennies and understandably so. 3 They didn't: They didn't have anything in common. With Topher Grace, Mila Kunis, Ashton Kutcher, Danny Masterson. There are also stories on other sites like and, among others. Why don't you just give her a break? The fact that they are so different really helped them both grow and it was actually very visible in their individual narratives. I'm sorry, but I wanna be with her.Hyde tells Kelso how strong his feelings are for Jackie. She also becomes hungry for his attention, something he does not want to give her; but he in spite of himself, he develops romantic feelings for her ("Jackie Bags Hyde"). Mrs. Forman gives Jackie the advice to "pick her battles". -in season 7, when hyde and Jackie break up, fez tries to get them back together but when they start to want to get back together says they shouldnt get together because its sick if they do. Hydes words are clearly expressing the opposite of their surface meaning. Hyde broods in misery, even going so far as to listen to country music. Yet red and kitty act surprised and go ballistic when they see Eric and friends smoking weed as if its the first time theyve known this? Like what? Also, Hyde puts Jackie's feelings above his own. Did Jackie end up with Kelso? Later in the episode, Jackie fantasizes about getting Hyde back and swears she'll do it. Hydes focus isnt on her at the moment but on the situation with W.B. Fans had argued multiple times that she always winds up with men who antagonized her or rubbed her the wrong way; while Michael was unfaithful, Hyde never really respected who she was as a person, and that was clearly damaging to her self-esteem. Yet she tells Hyde shes alone a lot like him, she wants to be friends with the rest of them even though theyre not popular, she hangs out with them at school but her cheerleader friends dont know Hyde is her boyfriend till the Xmas dance? He stares at her in that love-daze, approaches her, and blurts, Youre beautiful. He continues to stare at her in love until she realizes the significance of his actions. She sounds compassionate, but she characterizes herself as the opposite. Hyde seems to relish his connection to Jackie, however negative, and Jackie repeatedly shows trust in Hyde when she's upset. I don't hate bowling." She graduated from the University of Oregon with a B.A. Jackie and Hyde were arguably the most popular couple in That '70s Show history. "It's All Over Now" has Jackie doubting if Hyde loves her. Then Jackie asks him to "go to the drug store and get [her] a Vogue magazine". He initially refuses, but she pouts adorably at him and says, "Pwease?" What episode does Jackie say get off my boyfriend? Later in the scene, however, Jackie and Hyde sit together on the basement couch while looking at pictures of Kelsos newborn daughter. Shes turned on by Hydes corporate-speak. Their numerous fans call themselves "Zennies" and have since the original airing of "Cat Fight Club". Fez and Jackie were still together on new years '80. Jackie rushes to the hospital, however, thinking Hyde was hurt. Hydes disrespect of Jackie continues throughout the episode. They go through various growing pains with each other, both learning how to be better people individually and in a couple. Jackie and Kelso's son is at least 15 years old. And that pretty much beats our third grade pact. By the end of the series, Jackie has dated three of the four men of the original group: Kelso, Hyde, and Fez. This literally makes zero sense. [Kelso is talking with Hyde, trying to make him reconcile with Jackie]. Did Jackie end up with Hyde? RELATED: That '70s Show: 19 Things Wrong With Hyde We All Choose To Ignore. The majority of the time, theyre high in a circle, but theyre always sitting together. He knows he can best accomplish both by sleeping with another woman. Jackie asks Hyde if he would miss her if she was gone from the basement. implies Hyde is after his money and Hyde storms out, Jackie is very protective of him. In I Cant Quit You, Baby," Eric and Donna order them to call it off. -red convinces hyde to stay at their house even after his 18th birthday. It is presumed that the two remained on good terms. He doesnt, though, and his behavior in future season 7 episodes is very contradictory. Moreover, in Til The Next Goodbye, Hyde chooses to go after Jackie in Chicago, but instead of allowing them to reunite, the episode tossed a naked Kelso into the mix. When people go through stuff like that they tend to believe that things will always fall apart and fail in the end. what do poppy seedlings look like; summary disposition michigan; farmanfarmaian family tree. When do jackie and kelso start dating - How to get a good woman. Jackie tells Donna that Hyde is "the sweetest coolest guy Ive ever met," that her feelings of hatred toward him have changed. Hyde says, Well, if she wanted to get back together, thats something I wouldnt mind knowing. Set in season 4. Jackie and Hyde finally reconcile in Join Together -- with Kelsos help. NEXT:That '70s Shows Characters: 9 Types of Intelligence, JJ Rankin is a culture and entertainment writer. Fox "I will never forgive the writers of That '70s Show for Jackie and Hyde breaking up. Lets just do what we want, okay? So being with her wasnt about pissing off his friends but about being with her in spite of their friends. Hyde's initial reaction to Jackie upon seeing her on Prom night is, "Hey. Jackie looks down sadly, and Hyde touches his fingers to his lips and rubs them, clearly having felt a lot more than "nothing". Hyde still demonstrates a protectiveness over her and celebrates her burns of other people, and he tries to make Jackie and Kelso fight (to win a bet). Despite Eric and Donna's disapproval, both Jackie and Hyde are determined to be together. Hyde throws the basketball at his back]. Jackie: And every time something means a lot to me, I smother it, which is why were such a good couple. I don't love you" and leaves. Hyde says, When youre truly, deeply happy, thats a sure sign youre doing everything wrong. Jackie replies, Its true. In "Hot Dog," we learn that Hydes been trying to teach her to value deeper things about people and life, and in "Whole Lotta Love," we see that hes gotten through to her. She tries to keep Donna from telling the Formans the truth about the pot. He finally and truly "released" Jackie in the previous episode, having realized she'd grown beyond him thanks to Hyde. It was clear that at one point they were both clearly in love with each other, and even Hyde, who hated talking about his feelings admitted that he was in love with Jackie. The one pop culture couple who made us question the opposites attract theory is definitely Jackie Burkhart (Mila Kunis) and Steven Hyde (Danny Masterson) from That '70s Show. Granted, its for her own interest, too. Hyde confesses to Jackie right away about what he did with the nurse, and she breaks up with him. Jackie and Hyde get caught making out in the basement; Eric and Donna try to convince As punishment for Donna going away to California . Plus, Hyde was never really very ambitious and wanted to stay in Wisconsin, whereas Jackie wanted a jet-setting career that would take her all around the world. Because, ew. She cant just walk in here and pull your strings like youre some kind of puppet. Hyde had apparently heard Jackie's request to talk in the previous episode and followed-up at a time where he didnt have a thousand things going on. Later in the episode, Jackie fantasizes about getting Hyde back and swears shell do it. For instance, even before they got together (and were in fact barely friends), he took her to the prom to make her feel better. In fact, his response, No, were not, indicates he believes theyll be together for the long haul, as established in season 5 and confirmed in season 6. Kelso shoves Jackie aside when he fears for his life in the burnt-out school, Old Maine. "You Can't Always Get What You Want" isnt a particularly deep episode, but the closeness between Jackie and Hyde is demonstrated well. Its so frustrating to watch sometimes because these things are so ridiculous. Hyde says, "Jackie, I think youre overreacting and, yes. And the following exchange is rather interesting: Jackie: Did you hear that, Steven? Alas, it turns out that Jackie and Fez didn't last, with the former instead ending back up with Michael Kelso post- That '70s Show, an even more amusing pairing these days given that Mila . She hops off the car and tells him to take her home, but he doesn't want the date to end yet.

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when do jackie and hyde get back together