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Category: beyond burgers left out overnight

Like, children are really good at that. And I've had those conversations in public Sana's before to where people are people like they start getting into the toxins and the whole thing. Something like a month, I think. Snoring is a real issue and it's usually an issue of, you know, some sort of impeded airway. But they were all naked, like it was like I guess Europeans are like that, you know, like they're more used to it or that's what someone was telling me. N-acetyl L-cysteine Like, it just feels really it's a nice shock. There's a lot of researchers out there trying to, like, figure out if genetics is involved in this. But this mask and it's like inside when you're in places, I think like if you're going grocery shopping. So, you know, it's kind of like correlation. Say it again. There's been studies correlating it with seasonal affective disorder and all that. And I like, injured myself. The infrared scanners are like they're like changing electrons. And that's that's what, you know, is happening at the hospital and in New Jersey. And that's why fire application that comes with the Trager Grill has fifteen hundred plus recipes. Yeah, it makes a big difference for me, but I also just I think it might be a little too much before, like I'm always trying to regulate how much activity I do with whether or not I'm be exhausted when I do a podcast because I used to do yoga and then I would come out, I would get out of yoga at eleven or at ten thirty and I would do a podcast at twelve. It's been used to like help even treat different cardiovascular diseases like it's been shown to improve like current chronic heart failure or something like that. So like if we go travel or go to my in-laws or something, they have the lights on. Yeah, it's a mouthpiece. It also causes like kidney problems and all sorts of things. It's and it's not only more effective, it's a completely different. You should only do these activities alone or with members of your household. Zinc once a week. But what's interesting is when you get above the pop up newsletter at my newsletter is great. COVID-19 Q&A #1 with Rhonda Patrick, Ph.D. More evidence having poor vitamin D status before infection increases COVID-19 severity and death risk. So your body sort of develops its own ability to absorb more vitamin. If you can do IV, you don't need to do it. Yeah. So like DeSapio has already been identified and there may start to identify other ones like the pancreatic pancreatitis drug in Japan. And it's like a big show. But what just, you know, doing some some reading about like, why are people's immune systems so different? Showers. So, like, I think that's really important from bright light exposure is just there's just study after study showing it sets your circadian clock boom. So there's a theory that potentially that mutation is causing people's immune system to hyperactivity and basically become more active. Yeah. I visited Finland. And we'll have to start slowly because you have to adapt. Like I said, I just got a sauna. Like, it sucks like that. But aluminum, cadmium. But so in areas where people are going to be exposed, perhaps you could give it to them and it would stop them from getting. And and he comes back and he's like, you've got two cavities. Do you Saana. Generally speaking, one thousand I use will raise your blood levels by about five nanograms per minute. So I guess it's good at the end of the day to know that 200 milligrams doesn't do anything because then you go, OK, well, 200 milligrams doesn't do anything. So I'm like, you know, you know, it calculates heart rate and movement and body temperature. Yeah, it's just next door much. I got some other flavors to the the problem with that is you'll fixate on the one person that says the negative. You know, the biggest thing that really affected my glucose levels wasn't popcorn. But I'm just I mean, just accepting where this is. Like show me what you're saying when you're talking about you talking about just regular sweat. 6 hours? So our sauna is like it's pretty small. If the levels are 20 ng/ml to 29 ng/ml, it is inadequate. Yeah, for sure. Probiotics He's like, they're totally gone. Because you have two showers in the shower. I like it. You know, so like the EU receptor, the EU is part of the renin angiotensin system. I mean like not being able to breathe. I'll have one sent to you. You'll find it. Promoting strategies to increase healthspan, well-being, cognitive and physical performance through deeper understandings of biology. And she, like my friend, is a little bit you know, she's a little bit of a skeptic when it comes to, like vitamins or anything like that, you know, so I wasn't going to say anything because her and I have gone and so on. It's the weirdest feeling. No wise. Visit trigger grills dotcom. What's going to protect that area is muscle and strength and also flexibility work. And Japan has a very low mortality rate, correct? I was terrified and it thankfully has not been that bad. So it's the study concluded that they're both the same, but it seems as though astate maybe slightly better, maybe slightly better. The results showed the safety of vitamin D supplementation in addition to the protections provided for acute respiratory tract infections. Because when I lived on the East Coast, when I lived in New York, I got sick way more than I get sick out here, I'm for sure. No kids different. It's really like it's really weird. I was trying not to look at everyone, you know, like I didn't want to see, like, you know, married, like, I don't want stuff. Well, the ones in my multi so I don't buy vitamin K one is really it's found in dark leafy greens. And if it happens to be a non randomized controlled trial, then, you know, it's just correlation doesn't, you know, doesn't equal causation. So three grams, three grams. So he had the appendix thing happen. There's something mood enhancing. 3. Yeah. OK, right. It's like my tea. You can get too much. It's a hormone. People are starving. There's like less, less frequency of getting covid-19. It's like it it's really disturbing. That's Louis right there. She suggests the optimal range is a blood concentration between 40 - 60 ng/ml. But older people have the complete opposite where it's like, you know, deleterious. I mean, like, there's too many factors to, like, say one thing. When you look at your musculature, the large percentage of it is from the waist down. I've done. Inflammation plays a there is like a huge link now between the immune system, chronic inflammation and depression, brain function in general, brain ageing, but inflammation. I think social distancing makes sense. Like multiple studies in humans showing this, it's like a big deal. Find someone to find some gal who's fucking jacked and knows how to lift weights, you know, and then I'll inform them all about the sauna and tell them I'll be fine if it's on us. It is really delicious. They might miss it instead of just being open minded and going, hmm, I think that happens a lot, too, with like social media, because like, for example, if I share one study, I'll share like an epidemiological study and it's like it's Twitter, you know, I'm doing 140 Kerry or whatever the change. So yeah, if I'm in a rush and I'm like, oh my God, I'm here, I got to you know, I got things to do. I was a Osterholm, right? Thank you, Ron. It gets gets grosser meditation. Randomized controlled trials showing that zinc, zinc acetate or zinc gluconate like lozenges, they can dramatically lower the duration of common cold. The IV is really being used as a therapeutic treatment. Do you do a C Pap or. So you have to after you make it in your skin, it's stored in fat and, you know, it's released. And I was nothing had changed with my diet and my blood glucose, my my fasting blood glucose levels. Intravenously. You know, I don't you know, I'm not sure. Blood tests ensure the vitamin D level remains in the healthy range. Bourbon has been designated an essential thing at this time, which I'm all for, that tours at the distillery have been suspended in light of the covid-19 pandemic. Antibodies from a four year old Belgian llama named Winter Show Promise in blocking coronavirus from infecting cells, according to research from the University of Texas, Austin, the National Institutes of Health and the Ghent I that went into university studying earlier forms of the coronavirus. So even people that were already considered normal, taking it by vitamin D supplement, helped prevent the respiratory tract. Dr. Rhonda Patrick (@foundmyfitness) has a Ph.D. in biomedical science and is an expert on nutritional health. Back in the 60s, there was this antibody dependent enhancement happening. Right. I would do I would do my yoga or my ballet and then I would run. It's far infrared and they use it. The study started at six months and they chewed this side. Like you're like I'm already physically active. The function of vitamin D is actually similar to a hormone. So there's one that cross reacts with the Sajko, one which has a very it's very the sequence is very homologous to sars-cov-2 virus. I don't like to me lowering lowering the duration of the common cold by forty percent versus lowering it by twenty eight percent. Terrified to do that because I don't want to ruin my Apple Watch, you know, I've grown tired and like Kevin, Kevin Rose was like, no, just put your hand on. That's like sciatica. So so basically, when you when your body is exposed to a pathogen like a virus, your your innate immune system, you know, the first line of defense, like neutrophil, things like that are making hydrogen peroxide, trying to kill the virus. Sauna and physical activity together were better than the physical activity alone, which I was like, yeah, that's what you want. So many debates about it. My mom is like, you know, she's Nana. And you can't say it does this. So that's, that's a huge thing. Yeah. There's a hot bath study where they also elevated wasn't quite as high, but it was like, you know, 40 or so percent higher than baseline levels and it was 104 degrees. You were going to be totally shocked. Actually, I was doing the sauna too hot at one point in time, I was doing it at 210 degrees because of crazy Laird Laird Hamilton had me convinced. But no, I don't wear glasses. We need, you know, you know, people to repeat stuff. Your wife must love it. Like humidity, like the higher the more humid, the better that was. Well, he was in Tarzana. But there's other companies that have isolated from humans that have been infected. So is acetate or gluconate, which one is superior? It's like sometimes I just share a story because, one, I think it's interesting. I would take if you just had access to it every day, how often would you take intravenous vitamin C? I just hope I hope that, you know, we can reopen the economy in a very safe manner where we don't have, like, flare ups that, you know, we don't want to be set back to like shelter in place again, like full on. Most, most of these said three months. I mean, like, look what's happened with this hydroxyl chloroquine stuff, right? Oh, he used to be out here. Maybe, you know, I mean, I'm just speculating. 2015 I stop, I cut that out like I finished my postdoc so I published a couple of studies. Do you need a last will and testament or a living trust? So Class Kov one, the virus that was responsible for the original SARS outbreak in 2002 or something, the Mars One in the Middle East. They're never going to forget how weird this is to do in all their classrooms on iPads. Like to get a wub strap because the strap was no problem at all. Yeah. A two and a ten degrees. She goes into the guest room to sleep, like after they go to bed because she can't sleep like it's really bad. At the end of the day, it's an association. I would love to see that. The term vitamin D can be misleading because it does not function the same way as a vitamin. Right. Do you have a song in your house. I know. The problem is, is that melanin also blocks your your ability to produce vitamin D, but if you're out in the sun all the time, you know, in a place where you're getting UVB radiation, it's not a problem. And his fight for the forgotten charity is doing amazing work. And at the end of the conversation, I was just spilling everything. Yet. And they're having a Trager day. No, I know I haven't looked into the economy. One of those. So I get a lot of those as well. I'm just getting the sodium. So I have like all the apps and stuff and most of the time like and I turn my my my iPhone screen is like down and they have the black background and all that. 92000 shitheads who have half assed their whole life. Or they can just supplement, which I know a lot of vegetarians do. Yeah, they do. So basically they're all vitamin D deficient, all the ones that are dying. I don't know what what the cases. I mean, like because there's a lot of people that are deficient in vitamin D and it's a steroid hormone. How other health factors, you know, and but there was a big study just released not long ago from from like the National Office of Statistics in Britain or something like that. Yeah, there is. Previous COVID-19 infection or vaccination confers long-term protection against future severe disease outcomes. So now you make you feel better. I can't use that crap. The most recent guest on the hugely popular The Joe Rogan Experience is Rhonda Patrick PhD, a cell biologist whose work focuses on promoting a healthier, longer lifespan. You're telling people they can't go to work, but you're telling people they can go to work in some places, like why is it OK to work at Target but it's not OK to work in a family business? I thought that was really interesting. It wasn't just something that you could like you're mentioning, but, you know, at the time of getting it also the respiratory illness connection, there have been correlation studies out of Finland showing that people actually, I think the study was men, only men that do use this on a two to three times a week. I've done it before coming. But like the sauna, that's that's kind of my goal is to get her doing. And so when we would give them tons of heat, shock proteins in addition to the amyloid, totally reversed it like completely like they would move around and beyond. Did no. It's super easy to keep the temperature exactly where you want it to. I don't know if it was like placebo or not, but like B 12 is a big impact on your ability to do work. She's like, fuck off staying awake. And so I took her we went to get the IBC and they did it was ten, ten grams that we did. And one of the first experiments I had that I was doing, like one of my first projects was. OK, almost like UV protector got got microbiome. According to this organization, the adequate vitamin D sweet spot is over 30 ng/ml. You know, I think that potentially, you know, I think it really should be explored. It's questions interesting because it's Zingana for it's also been identified to have activity against Sajko one antiviral activity against Sajko, one doesn't nootropic properties as well. About 40 to 50 could be like there's probably a range of friends. We really have to be careful here. All right. There we go. So you hook yourself into it and you just lift your back everything that I'm scared to do. But I think it's already like getting if it's already getting inside, you know, the the respiratory, you know, area like your body's kind of maintaining homeostasis. But because I can I'm good at jumping rope and it should have been doing that. You know, like this was like the worst. But the whole reason I had one cassana like I like scared to do like I do free weights, I free weights and I'll do that, but like I'm just scared of machines. Because so many people fucked themselves up by trying to do things on their own and I did and now I'm scared. Like that was like, you know, Linus Pauling was like deemed a nut, like, you know, the Nobel Prize winning chemist who basically is the vitamin C guy. You could bake, you could grill, you could do literally any kind of cooking you want to do. It's a game changer. You know, it's not it's not like the old days when we were out hunter gatherer and out in the sun all the time where, you know, we're inside all the time. We really have to make sure that we have water purification. They say it with such authority. I love energy. Has it not been well understand for like 20 years that not getting any sun has negative impacts on how you feel? But, you know, there's there's lots of there's lots of possibilities. You could say that, but to downplay that as the only role of vitamin D I encourage you to check out Dr. Stasha Gominak. That's how I felt. Yes. This is not the plague that we thought it was going to be. Llamas could be the key to fighting new coronaviruses research says the larger. Their levels were 50 percent higher over baseline and which is great. So what happens when you take them? I'm doing it five days a week and I'm doing seven days a week, 180 degrees for 25 minutes. Joe Rogan & Dr. Rhonda Patrick Discuss Their Vitamin D Supplement Regimens - YouTube 0:00 / 1:26 Joe Rogan & Dr. Rhonda Patrick Discuss Their Vitamin D Supplement. It's best to, like, get a vitamin D blood test. It's all really awful. They they call it the Banyo. I just I have so much I have high hopes for it, you know, and maybe maybe I'm a bit of an enthusiast with it, you know, I do like I've studied vitamin D so much. But there is some actual legitimate research elderberry like has been shown in randomised controlled trials to like effect know the immune system and lower cold duration and stuff like that, you know. So so I think that's that's certainly, you know, the issue. I mean, it's so ignorant to have no idea. It's hard to sleep probably when you're in those. Exactly. Because vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin and it's less it's been shown to be 50 percent less bioavailable. Is that the cause of it or is it right. There's been small trials showing that people doing a sauna. You know, I'm going to trust me. So there's been studies were like you could do a two minute cryo, whatever the average temperature, it's really cold, minus two for it is something like that. Right. You should have an MRI. Well, it was obviously here, but it wasn't officially America until 1776. That makes you feel good every day. Like, why can't you wear a swimsuit? And it's and I feel for those people. The first thing you could do it at first with no weight. And so they're kind of that's a test. I mean, my mom, my mom and my dad, I got my whole family. You know, there's there studies that have shown people and I love these studies because because they basically take away people's complaints about, you know, there's lots of epidemiological studies showing that low vitamin D is associated with disease X, Y or Z, and everyone's like, well, you know, they're out and they're not in the sun as much. And Trager Day, May 16th. But right now, when you put the vitamin D, I mean, I'm just so like. Or does the is are you required to you know, different people have different results when it comes to CBD and some people find that CBD with THC benefits some more and some people find that it's just the CBD itself. Why can't I take my card. That's awesome. And since Legal Zoom is not a law firm, you do not have to worry about expensive billable hours adding up. I would love to like do it more. So so my doctor might see my dentist is great because he like, you know, any dentist could just be like, no, they're still there. What you're getting is your lower back. It's the natural, it's naturally found in plants. This does xylitol stuff and I started doing research and then I found all these studies and not only did I find studies that like it, you know, basically kills these bacteria that cause cavities, that mutans pregnant women that chew xylitol gum. Just me. They beat each other with this these branches that are wet. I love like I love Bob. I don't know what I don't know what it is and I'm calling my sciatica most of the time. And so there's been there's been two major like strains that have been identified and one of them. So that's that's about 10 grams. I was like I gave myself TMJ. Is that where you were getting was only it doesn't go into my leg. OK, what am I trying to measure here? No, it's the popcorn. So, I mean, that's. The one that I'm getting, it's like it's found it like Whole Foods and sprouts and it's don't have the same amount of active culture though. Interesting. I loved it. Back in 2000, the gang at Buffalo Trace was sipping whiskey and winning Distillery of the Year by Whiskey Advocate magazine. In most cases, it will certainly help. I'll find it. There was this weird. It's your back and it's your back with a disc pushing into the nerves. So he got this antibiotic treatment there, like sent him home a couple of days later, he got some IV treatment. Right. So people love to dismiss things, don't they? If it's the same disease, I don't think it's warranted. I usually use it at home, but sometimes I use it here when I like, right after workouts like if I workout I try to get a workout here before, you know, like before do podcasts and I'll time it so they have an extra hour so I can get in the sauna. When you buy hardwood, they saw the wood, they take the pellets from that sawdust and they compress that sawdust and make these pellets. We got this, this and this and this. And I would also like to see something done on whether or not that contributes to how many people get sick over there. Joe Rogan's ENTIRE episode with Dr. Rhonda Patrick broken into short audio clips for easy listening (they discuss vitamin D, vitamin K, vitamin C, zinc, nootropic gum, sauna protocols, COVID-19, and more) Close. Mine's mine's right here. Living in scotland I could have told you that no sunshine makes you miserable, 6 hours of overcast "daylight" in the winter is pretty brutal. That's been shown it's given them a cardiovascular workout without having to force them to go for a run down a bike. It's important, like it's important for normal immune cells, normal immune function.

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joe rogan dr rhonda patrick vitamin d