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Sure, each panel is a webpage connected by links, but almost every panel only has one link, and thats to the next panel. I don't really care about homestuck drama, it is a product of its time as another comment said but.. OP seems vastly unaware of a lot of social issues to be "responding" to this drama. EDIT: Let me clarify here. Hes not. What is the cost? Last year, the worlds S.U.V.s collectively released almost a billion metric tons of carbon dioxide. Submit fanart, cosplay and discussions of all kinds! Turns out you cant just kill your entire cast and replace them with slightly different versions of the same characters we havent really had the chance to know. 164 Followers. and i think its mostly to do with homestucks treatment of femininity vs masculinity in a way that is not typically done Pyscholonials doesnt give in to hopelessness. Leitmotifs will appear again and again in comic in recurring scenarios, creating something more than a callback, but less than full force beat-you-over-the-head-with-it thematic synergy. Why Homestuck is two or three biggish novels' worth of illustrated text, Vriska herself is a huge controversy (i.e. Fluid analysis allows fleet managers to learn a great deal about the health of their trucks and how well the engines in those trucks are operating. While the kickstarter itself was controversial due to how much money it raised, despite Hussie having never made a game before. It loosely correlates with my past experience of presiding over a big fandom and watching it spin out of control, using much more fantastical elements like revolution and global conquest as the backdrop. The music from this one little animation tells the story just as much as anything on screen does. While weve seen characters manipulate time before, Lord Englishs control over all of time in all of its forms is so absolute, his presence in the narrative is already guaranteed. Why Press J to jump to the feed. Oops. Cohen fucked up when making that "announcement". Yes it is. Sprouts' operating income surged 20% to $62 million. Small business owner, political organizer, and professional writer based in the Puget Sound area. If we were to adopt this Meat/Candy classification of writing (another sentence Im loving I can type), all stories need a bit of both. N/A. Gross Margin. Calliope isnt an unbiased narrator. But it's also a prime example of the hidden insolvency that exists across much of the banking sector. But mainly I was relieved to see the protests happen, because it answered a more fundamental question I had before starting on this story, which was wondering whether the country had any real fight in it., And while the writer says he saw this nation-wide spark as a very positive development, he wondered if this was even a story that needed telling anymore., In the end, he decided it was. We apologize for this A quick search on Reddit reveals dozens of threads discussing questions like What happened to andrew hussie? and other posts tracking the creators activity on social media platforms like Tumblr. You know where else that happens? The language is deeply rooted in the now, and leans into the internet vernacular with words like simp, e-girls, reply guys, and cringe. At one point, one of the protagonists moves from being a fan, to dating a member of the popular K-pop group BTS (which also happens to be one of the biggest, most influential fandoms of the moment). Wi-Fi 6E is the latest Wi-Fi technology that provides faster speeds, lower latency, and improved overall network performance. Hussie didn't make John and Karkat et al drop the r word to say anything about them, that's just a word he himself used to use, so his characters did too. And then the monsters came. And then they got in a rocket.. Theres a problem with activations getting backed up, & stuck in our system. The player is driven to suicide due to a callout post from cirava after they accuse the player of copying them, Theres a legit slave owner character that the fandom insists on defending no matter what. I appreciate OP for trying to throw stuff like this back in the face of the people who make it because seriously. Webit has some stuff that aged poorly and is very typical of the comedy and internet culture at the time that it was written. As such, sometimes fanon theories are presented with direct alternatives to prompt the reader to think about the worth of their own opinion versus someone else's, as well as present logical, but opposing, perspectives. EVERYONE IS DEAD). Delorosas constant rape was considered unapologetically trashy romance and porn. Please/You're welcome: (para-kah-LOE) In Greek, the word for "please" and "you're welcome" is the same, making it all the more easy to learn. A cryptid leader leaves a major vacuum of content, direction, messaging, personal information, all the stuff a frenzied cultist craves. The solid sales performance also lifted the food retailer's profit margins. Id Id tell you more about them, but the comic doesnt at all bother to develop this cool idea in the slightest. Character development is important, but youre not a good author if your story is just 100 thousand words of characters dicking around and having repetitive conversations. The solid sales performance also lifted the food retailer's profit margins. Homestuck fan here, It is problematic in that it presents characters with unlikeable traits in a positive light, problematic in the way it jokes about very serious subjects like abuse and murder, problematic in that it includes discriminatory language throughout the text, problematic in that oodles of teased ships are 'creepy' due to the age and/or percieved age and/or other factors Problematic like The Iliad, like Hannibal, like The Wire, like, The Shining, Lolita, Dracula, and so many other pieces of classic media. The comics before Homestuck, particularly Problem Sleuth, were largely based on community inputs, and I believe certain parts of Homesutck initially were as well (this was before my time). All that being said, and the despite the two months its been since the epilogues first came out, I dont think I have an opinion on them that can be reduced to I liked them or I hated them. I can only say that theyre interesting to consider if you happened to have read them. The story feels like a retelling of the hell-year that was 2020, but Hussie started drafting the story back when everyone was just starting to be stuck inside for the first time. Andrew Hussie - Wikipedia he makes people uncomfortable? than to disturb the comfortable and comfort the disturbed. Maybe the Twilight fan found a way to elevate the themes and feel of YA urban fantasy to an older audience. (not sure on the proper wording for this, if theres better wording let me know and ill change it) As a result of his accident, he is constantly babyed or harassed by other characters. By doing this, Andrew Hussie and his collaborators admit to writing fanfiction of their own story. Elise on Twitter: "@vomitcore Wait is homestuck problematic?" / Accusations of certain characters beings Mary Sues. HOMESTUCK So, Hussie himself condradicted well, himself. Was it really an insult? Take for example this moment early in the comic, with one of the four original kids, Dave: And compare is with a similar moment much later in the comic with a different character, one of the Trolls, Terezi: The music in the later combines Terezis Theme with the song from the original and the main melody from Crystalanthemums which at this point has been associated with her and her rival Vriska for some time now. After around the half-way mark she stops being important, so I was excited to see if she gets any big moments in the epilogues. I think it's the perfect example of the dissonance between Hussie and the fandom. The end credits and post-end credits content were released in the style of Snapchat posts. Please keep in mind, the characters of friendsim are all minors. This is just a single example of how bootleg items (because yes, even if they're being made with love and sold with respect for the original creator, they are bootleg items) can directly influence a small business' decisions and bottom line. Why Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, "Hussie is terrible because of recent incidents like the released emails between the moderation team and him". Post-Scratch Troll society is not presented as good. From troll call, right? When people say BUT TEREZI MAKES FUN OF HERSELF, it is not really a valid defense of the blind jokes, because of who is actually making those jokes. I read the links, and I don't see it. Granted, this panel also depicts the fact that Terezi uses a cane to walk around, which is realistichowever, we rarely ever it in regular interactions with her. Webwho were victoria winters parents. He has on multiple occasions, appropriated AAVE while writing her. Yeah, honestly the content of these docs probably says a lot more about the author of them they they do anything about Andrew Hussie. Homestuck in review: The Internets first masterpiece I have no official connection with the work. Is there anyone who can help me? A decade in the future, long after our heroes win the game, and long after our heroes have left Homestuck itself, John is confronted with a choice: he can use his powers to return to canon, fill the plot hole, and stabilize the story, or decide to continue living his life, canon integrity he damned. The single most respectful moment in Terezis portrayal is when she has the opportunity to have her blindness cured. DISH network users facing authentication or login issues. As far as controversies contained within the fandom go, there's only one big one that I can think of. This can feel like mockery to some, and to some degree, it is but there is usually a point behind doing so. Hell no. Theres a problem with activations getting backed up, & stuck in our system. In case it matters, I live in Europe and I have seen like 6 or 7 black people in my entire life. Homestuck has three characters with definite disabilitiesTavros, Terezi, and Solluxthough for the purposes of this article, I will focus on Tavros and Terezi as, ever since Sollux has become blind, we simply have not had much screen time with him to merit analysis at this point. Actually, my favorite thing about the webcomic: Homestuck is acutely aware that it exists on the Internet, and exploits that fact to its fullest capacity. Although dogfighting is a felony in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, it continues to occur in every part of the country and in every type of community. Dirk, though, happens not to subscribe to Uncle Bens mantras about power and responsibility. And then they play it. Both options ultimately leave someone somewhere dissatisfied. Why Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Is Being Review Bombed But the comic you included in the docs is dumb and makes no sense to me. Hell, a lot of the stuff they accuse the story of, the story itself pokes fun at (such as all the accusations of pedophillia, something that Doc Scratch was openly considered creepy for in-universe) This really just feels like someone who was trying really hard to find bad things to say about the series. The epilogues were poorly received among some fans for a variety of reasons. Given the comics exponential trajectory it set for itself early on, it had to get this meta at some point. If not for the fact they made her into a Jewish stereotype. Y'know, Homestuck at its core is a comic about being extremely Online [laughs] in a way that I think a lot of things in both the webcomic and the traditional comics base before and even since haven't touched as well. I perhaps havent heard from Jane fans because they dont really exist, but you get my point. We are currently experiencing a system-wide issue with a delay on all activations. Or perhaps the second option catches your eye. The largest, most active Homestuck community. What video games and movies dont depict correctly is the insane recoil automatic fire causes. We were weirdly concerned with fundamental narrative principles at the time, more so than little kids had any right to be. She is the only female (and carapacian) member of the Felt, and is one of the three members whose name is not printed entirely in green, the "o" being printed in black to resemble an 8 ball itself. Is it racist? Homestuck uses Flash, which means that it has Yes. Yes, Vriska did that. true wait, what? Written and directed by two white creators, "The Help" serves as a classic example of "white savior" tropes in Hollywood. And then there are all the people who cant shroud themselves in secrecy. Are you sure you aren't the one doing stereotypes here? This process, known as review-bombing, has been used for both good and bad causes. We have different media, slang, food, hobbies, etc, so Hussie's references soared straight over my head. Why Everyone ends up miserable, the worst version of themselves. This Mo Black guy seems to know what hes talking about, you think. The Google docs had like 2 or 3 good points and the rest is just bullshit. Dont try to make me part of some angry mob. When it was met with backlash, whatpumpkin changed his answer to spades/snowman, You know what? Submit fanart, cosplay and discussions of all kinds! And then his dead sister, Calliope, from another timeline where she becomes super strong, shows up to try and stop him. The Meat timeline is obviously canon, because for Lord Englishs demise to make any sense, John needed to have gone back and plugged in the missing parts of the story. It wasn't even that funny! MSPA is an epic sprawling online webcomics creation by Andrew Hussie (and supporting artists.) Vriska and Terezi were close friends during their childhood, who on Alternia formed the Scourge Sisters, Team Charge's FLARP rivals. Feferi's weight. EDIT: I feel as though I should note that aside from controversies 11 and 7, I've attempted to portray these controversies as neutrally as possible (and my only opinion on 7 is that I think the female characters in Homestuck are very well written). Press J to jump to the feed. (But please, don't jsut say that "it's morally wrong" and then not explain how. Heck, people are still debating troll genitalia). WebThe plot of Homestuck is infamously convoluted but boils down to: four kids who know each other online play a video game together, inadvertently causing the apocalypse. WebAnswer random questions and Ill give you a Lana del ray lyric that will reveal a deep truth about you. If you actually read Hussie's tumblr about that incident, you would see that he specifically changed it not because people were upset about it but because other people on tumblr were using the canonicalization of tricksters as white to be nasty to others and he didn't want anything to do with that. He would commandeer a handful of characters, and I do the same. Rather than being a swapped preference, it is a more exacting preference. I know there are more, I'll update this list when I remember them. I mean the priests are fucking clowns for god's sake, that's pretty fucking blatant. So, no matter how much the story frustrates me or how disappointed I get, I feel like I have to look at it in some way. Wi-Fi 6E is the latest Wi-Fi technology that provides faster speeds, lower latency, and improved overall network performance. Gross Margin. Its a prime example of how even years after Homestuck and Hiveswap were completed the distance Hussie keeps between himself and his fandom doesnt keep his work from spiraling out into controversy. A subreddit for Homestuck and the works of Andrew Hussie. I see that like "are you crazy? By the time I was up to date with Homestuck, it was a fair ways in and even then I didn't really participate in the fandom so no event is too big or too obvious to mention. I haven't seen a single person defend Zebruh. The largest, most active Homestuck community. N/A. On Twitter, creatives, journalists, and anyone with a modest following agonize over what people think they know about them online, and trolls regularly obsess over personal information around topics like mental health. It's a violent as hell culture created for a single purpose: victory. The NSFW route, hes a complete douchewad, bullying Lynera and trying to pressure you into drugs and sex. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Music is so integral to the experience of Homestuck Id argue the story doesnt work without it. They dont have a concept of incest and I wouldnt be surprised if they werent bothered by age Gaps either with how impersonal their mating is. But, there is still no ETA for everything to work normally again. Why That'd apply if the author was using it in dialogue for a particular reason, to say something specific about the characters, and not just because it was in the author's own regular vocabulary. What do you think? This process, known as review-bombing, has been used for both good and bad causes. why are you playing with those dangerous girls?". It is easy to wonder how connected the two things are, and to wonder why one of the very, very few disabled characters has to also be a social outcast. Imagine flipping through one book that size. In the final act of Homestuck were told the artifact defeats Lord English, and were told he dies after getting sunk in a black hole. I understand the logic of HIC's quirk and presentation, but I DO think there is value in talking about the harmful stereotypes which she is made from. WebMarch 3, 2023. What Pumpkin, unlike Hasbro, is not a media giant with multiple branches and properties under its wings; it's a (very) small business with a very direct relationship between items sold and revenue made. Enjoying or creating 'problematic' media does not equate to endorsement. ships, god tier classpect theories, and vriska seem to be the biggest controversies. ._3wvjcIArtO7kKPJabZfZ9S{font-family:Noto Sans,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:12px;font-weight:400;line-height:16px;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;color:var(--newCommunityTheme-metaText);display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;margin-right:24px;opacity:0;transition:opacity .1s ease-in-out}._3wvjcIArtO7kKPJabZfZ9S._1c98ixuh4QUWO9ERiFID3p{opacity:1}.RtAsN7UrR7u51W5kaOXvp{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;margin-left:4px;margin-right:0}._1JRtpiobR4jYtbw-xx1tPO{border:1px solid var(--newRedditTheme-body);margin-left:-7px;transform:scaleX(-1)}._1JRtpiobR4jYtbw-xx1tPO:nth-child(2){margin-top:4px} The solid sales performance also lifted the food retailer's profit margins. Energy transfers to keep her alive are sexual now, I guess You get assaulted by a lot of trolls. But Im not really sure Ive got much of a lowdown to give. WebAnswer random questions and Ill give you a Lana del ray lyric that will reveal a deep truth about you. Be prepared. In case you don't know what I am talking about:, I can come to my own conclusions. Homestuck has never shied away from cartoonish gore and bloodshed before, but ironically, what the epilogues lack in pictures they make up for in graphic content. To start, is a great resource for learning more about what ableism actually is. #homestuck . This translates into the way Meenahs character is written, being the younger version of HIC shes shown to be the sassy black girl stereotype. With this particular screenshot its shown that shes portraying the thug stereotype thats more obvious with how shes talk. Come on, you disappoint. Such a cool set of powers that only works in something like Homestuck. Technically, a lack of masking is a presentation issue a sign that a theater no longer cares but it can lead to projection problems, too. That should be plenty to say on how wrong it is, with Meenah being a literal adult and this Vriska being a literal child. Andrew Hussie! why homestuck is problematic Problem Oh come on, he jsut made a joke. Vrisrezi | Shipping Wiki | Fandom Like, I didnt even mention how many of these fuckers die along the way. Homestuck There was some controversy when homestuck first came out. If it is morally wrong, I want explanations.). I saw a lot of promise in Johns relationship with Roxy. They eventually date in Candy, but it turns into a lopsided, unhealthy marriage and subsequent that prevents him from fully processing the fact that he is trans.

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why homestuck is problematic