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Custer Battles had the Iraqi Currency Exchange (ICE) contract with the Coalition Provisional Authority and a major security contract for Baghdad Airport. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed The Life of Lolo Lolo Soetoro was born on 2 January 1935, in Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia as the son of Mr Martodihardjo. Bandung, West Java, Dutch East Indies. All of the aforementioned mentors along with their corruption all occurred prior to Obama even reaching the Senate. plays in Syria equaled Zio smiles, but what of Iran, that did not look like Zio happiness to me. Hey TC, name one, just one president you can remember that was dog piled like President Trump. Even published a book about being Kenyan in America. Barack Obama foi registrado como Barry Soetoro, cidado indonsio, na Escola Santo Fransiskus Assisis, em Jacarta, o que levou muitos a acreditar que Lolo Soetoro o . JB. Why did they ignore it? Thats really too bad Trump had 4 years to do something about the swamp scumbags like Brennan but chose not to. Thanks all you MFers in the CIA for the hundreds of thousands of lives youve destroyed here in the US and abroad! Who would of thought. "There was talk of him [Soetoro] being a CIA asset," Scoon interjected. Barack is then adopted by Lolo. Listen to this government committee hearing testimony. Watch: Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla refers to his jabs as Weapons. Barack Obama is a famous American politician who served as president from 2009 to 2017. The contract to CAI was awarded as part of the State Departments Civil Society Support Program, the same program that has been used by the CIA to foment rebellions in Ukraine, Syria, Libya, Egypt, Iran, and other countries. Obama's mother met her second husband, an Indonesian named Lolo Soetoro, while working at the East-West Center in Hawaii. Im not even sure how to characterize myself politically. Spending four years in Jakarta, Obama learned to speak fluent Indonesian. In 2000, the offices moved to the Makati district of the city but the building that housed USAID was always known to locals as the CIA building. The building, owned by the Ramon Magsaysay Foundation, in honor of the Philippines President who died in a 1955 plane crash, was built in 1959 with a loan from the Rockefeller family. ACORN were involved in voter registration, community organizing and advocacy for low income people for 40 years. CHINA Tanks deployed on streets to protect the banks as they declared peoples savings are now investment products & cant be withdrawn. lolo soetoro and halliburton lolo soetoro and halliburton The Palestinian press reported that the information, including personal political opinions of NGO members, was to be turned over to the CIA and eventually, Mossad, to apply pressure on the NGOs to comply with U.S. and Israeli policies. Secretary of Defense Esper fired Monday, the top Pentagon Policy official, top Defense Department intelligence official, and chief of staff to the Defense Secretary all out today, Ryan Browne (@rabrowne75) November 10, 2020. Thicker Than Blood: Judge Joe Brown on Lolo Soetoro & Barack - YouTube Obamagate, will be brushed over, but not by alternative media. 1981) Rahayu Nurmaida (b. Soetoro has two daughters from her Mobile Accord uses our proprietary technology to offer one of the fastest, most reliable, and most secure messaging system available in the world.. The topic was exploitation of Africas oil resources and the senior executives of Exxon, Mobil, Chevron (where Condoleezza Rice was a board member), and Texaco were present along with Department of Energy and Petroleum Finance Corporation officials. The group was called the Berkeley mafia and it ensured that Indonesia was compliant with dictatesof the World Bank, International Monetary Fund,and large Western commercial banks. Discover Lolo soetoro 's popular videos | TikTok Grosss firm, JBDC, was subcontracted to DAI for the civil society work in Cuba. Never one bad word about Biden, only Trump. Not only that, name one other president that accomplished what he has while under this constant on going dog piling. With Dany Boon, Julie Delpy, Vincent Lacoste, Karin Viard. His stepfather---- Lolo Soetoro His grandmother----Madelyn His grandfather----Stanley Dunham His half-sister---- Maya Soetoro Important Language Points (Para.16) Patriot: one who loves and defends his or her country Example: As a patriot, we should defend our motherland in a clear His name was registered as 'Barry Soetoro' and he was also registered as a Muslim, in Jakarta. They are taking down treasonous legislative and judicial officials who have infiltrated our government over the past several hundred years, and most recently since the CIA was founded in 1947. Move to Indonesia. Pronunciation of Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo with 1 audio pronunciations. Wayne Madsen is a Washington, DC-based investigative journalist and nationally-distributed columnist. The great point is to bring them the real facts. Besides, like HSF said just LOOK at the fucker! The pair met while studying at the University of Hawaii. Continue on and look at McCrystal, the general and disappeared folk, including Boston Brakes victim Michael Hastings. Lolo Soetoro who was born on January 2, 1935, and died on March 2, 1987, was an Indonesian who was the stepfather of Barack Obama, the 44th president of the United States Lolo Soetoro was born in Bandung, West Java, Dutch East Indies now called Indonesia, the ninth of 10 children of Martodihardjo, an employee of a mining office from Yogyakarta. (WMR)The recent disclosure by the Associated Press that the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), a notorious nexus for contract fraud within the State Department, contracted out a project to develop a rival to Twitter in order to foment rebellion in Cuba has refocused attention on USAIDs long history of acting as a contract vehicle for various CIA covert activities. They are controlled opposition. Hes a fraud. You sounded like you had a handle on it for a second there And referencing what appears to be apost-election purge and exodusfollowing multiple federal agency top officialseither being pushed out or resigning since last Thursday even as votes were being tallied, Brennan suggested this is part of a Trump conspiracy to compromise national security. 3Days3Nights ?? Does anyone in this country give a damn about the treason that has been committed by hundreds if not thousands of communists in this country? Every resignation or election is staged and managed by WEF Mario Draghi will soon be replaced by another WEF puppet. Ah, Uncle George Herbert Walker, after whom George Herbert Walker Bush, Bush One President was named, founded Halliburton in 1946 in Oklahoma. Ann Dunham, Obama's mother, married an Indonesian, Lolo Soetoro, who worked for the Indonesian government and then for an American oil company. For years, USAID operated in Manila from the J. Walter Thompson advertising agency building at the Ramon Magsaysay Center on Roxas Boulevard in the Malate district of the city. He was not active on any social media. $ 1000000. He was born in Bandung, West Java, Dutch East Indies, present-day Indonesia. Gitmo is too good for him. DREAMS OF MY FATHER book of bogus truths by Barrack Obama. Itd be great to be able to respond in kind if the Electoral College elects DJT. Contents. The truth is coming out about the Pfizer jabs .. unfortunately a bit too late as more than half of the global population have taken these shots .. many were warned yet chose to ignore the many warnings they had. Trump walked away from a billionaire lifestyle to become president while refusing a salary. I suppose thats gone by the wayside over the last generation. TC, like most of the Trump bashers here are disinfo. It was from this time that Obama lived in Jakarta. Obama has continued USAIDs involvement in CIA-directed programs in former Soviet states, including Georgia, Ukraine, and Kyrgyzstan. Donate to our website via PayPal. We cant let the bad actors get away with it.. During his ten-year rule, Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori and his intelligence chief, Vladimiro Montesinos, thought to be a CIA asset, reportedly received USAID funds to put down the Shining Path and Tupac Amaru guerrilla movements. Without the Deep State there IS no US government. Cause of death Liver failure. Obama later went on to meet very wealthy Muslim elites whilst in college, some who had come to study from Karachi, Pakistan. Oops. The geologist and author was born in 1958 in Bandung, Indonesia. Soros was a major financialbacker of Obamas presidential campaign. id bet that jonathan pollard would consider obama a zionist. In 2002, USAID in Palestine, where DAI is also active, demanded detailed personal information on all the members of NGOs that received American funding. Let this be our last warning! TRIBUNNEWSWIKI.COM - Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo atau Mangundikardjo adalah seorang ahli geologi Indonesia yang paling dikenal sebagai ayah tiri Barack Obama, Presiden Amerika Serikat ke-44. lolo soetoro and halliburton The war on drugs was ramped up, jail sentences increased. Ah, Uncle George Herbert Walker, after whom George Herbert Walker Bush, Bush One President was named, founded Halliburton in 1946 in Oklahoma. John O. Brennan, the C.I.A. Bush Jr. had a pretty hostile environment his last year in office and at least had the stones to tell the Democrats to pound sand when they sent him a shitty kitchen sink budget. USAID, which is a cipher for the CIA, has largely been responsible for Haiti remaining the poorest nation in the western hemisphere. 1970) Yusuf Aji (b. When Honduran President Manuel Zelaya raised the minimum wage in his country, the CIA and Southern Command arranged for a military coup to remove him. (Soetoro is the name of Obama's stepfather, Lolo Soetoro.) If you ripped all of the communists out of the US government, DC would be a ghost town overnight. Moderate. This makes Barack Obama one-third beneficiary for the assets of one of the ten/15 richest men on earth. I love this idea!!!! Who is Barack Obama's sister Maya Soetoro-Ng? Her Bio: Net Worth lolo soetoro and halliburtonkids baking championship where are they now. tn (1 Vote) Very easy. Judicial Watch played into the governments hands, Jan. 6 Committees final verdict: Prosecute Trump, Just in time for holidays, Dems may embrace GOP plan to boot millions off Medicaid. Decades of war. He was a colonel in the Indonesian army and later worked in government relations at Union Oil Company. Integrity is non-existent in the government today and the fossils who have fed at the federal trough for decades continue to do so while covering up for their masters. Take over the Middle East, and make yourself rich? But through his campaign and time as President it was requested that he cut all ties and publically separate himself from anything to do with him due to the Reverend delivering sermons on terrorist attacks on US soil. We're going to look at a few pages from Stanley Ann Dunham Obama Soetoro's alleged passport files, which were released under a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. Viet Nam was more of the same, ditto Iran-Contra. Box 1520, The US Congress cant just pick and chose which part of the US Constitution they will or will not enforce or can they ? Thanks for the vignettes, they add nice flavor to these spicy times! Nothing is ever done for the justice we need for the Socialist Democrats that want the one World Government to take place, they still follow the Georgia Guide Stones and that is their goals. Is he going to release some type of information that could, in fact, threaten our national security interests?. You should be rejoicing at the prospect of Kamala and Joe taking over from bad man Trump. INTERVIEWER: There was stories of him being a CIA asset. The truck that struck their automobile was bought with USAID funds and bore a U.S. embassy license plate. Lolo Soetoro Net Worth - Bologny Brennan, Clapper and all the federal spook and police agencies are beyond corrupt. Now when he [Barry Soetoro] went to high school [Punahou School, known as Oahu College until 1934] in Hawaii. That explains the constant lockdown to hide what they were up to.. Died 2 March 1987 (aged 52) Jakarta, Indonesia., ?? not mine and she understands that is the condition to live in my home. Treason doesn't pay well in the end. dont eff up a good rumor lolo soetoro and halliburton - I was raised in the town where Earl Halliburton started Halliburton Oil Well Cementing Company, so it was Not HW! Americas 44th President, Barrack Hussein Obama, the only president to be born outside the contiguous 48 states is a hot topic for President Trump at the moment, the hashtag OBAMAGATE has been trending as the Russian collusion and Flynn unmasking fiasco shows the Obama administration had corrupt ways and means of trying to get their desired outcome. Lolo Soetoro Net Worth, Trust Fund, Death, Oil Company, Billionaire, Money But thankfully few actually in power are likely to listen to John Brennan, given his sour grapes andanger at Trump has clearly long been personal. Restored Republic Via a Gcr: Update As of Wednesday 15 February 2023 China Just Launched this Attack on the USD, Alan Greenspan Warns of this U.S. Scheme to Confiscate Your Savings, The Little-Known (But Legal) IRS Tax Law to Move Your IRA or 401(k) to Gold, Wall Art to Perfectly Compliment Your 325. Obama moves to Indonesia with his mother, which is the home of his new step-father Lolo Soetoro. come on man. To use: VPN users with a Halliburton laptop can either click the Pulse Secure icon from the desktop or go to the Windows Start menu, select All Programs > Pulse Secure , then Pulse Secure . Judge Joe Brown Links Obama To Slush Fund Operating Out Of Indonesia And Pence sure as shit wouldnt have upset the apple cart. They work very actively. Akayeva said there were rumors in Kyrgyzstan that the U.S.-backed coup plotters distributed narcotics to rioters who participated in the coup. director under President Barack Obama, struck back at President Trump on Thursday for revoking his security clearance, calling the presidents claims of no collusion with Russia to influence the 2016 election hogwash and arguing that the commander in chief was trying to silence anyone who would dare challenge him. Soetoro and Dunham married in Hawaii in 1965. Childhood Ghosts of Indonesian Genocide Haunt Obama's View of Regime Sokoine was the designated successor to President Julius Nyerere, who antagonized the CIA by his close ties with the Soviet Union and China. Halliburton founder = Lolo Soetoro Lolo = Barry Soetoro Which is actually mirrored from the original dates. Some suspect he was going to college as an foreign national. But through OBAMAGATE there is definitely not enough journalistic interest from the mainstream media at all. Live Trading Lab; Financial Literacy HIDDEN HISTORY: 'A Company Family', The Untold - RIELPOLITIK Enter your email address to subscribe to The Burning Platform and receive notifications of new posts by email. The Feeb was started by a queer cross-dressing paranoid and the OSS et al were arms of Mossad and MI6 from the get go. Copyright Intrepid Report. In time Barrack obama will be assassinated, HIS NAME IS BARRY SOETORO.. STUPID Obama represented a Lebanese developer, Tony Rezko. Have any of these Richard Craniums even read the 25th Amendment? It is not just the US Congress but the US Supreme Court that knows berry soetoro aka barack hussein obama is a FRAUD . We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Reacting specifically to the ouster of Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Monday, ex-CIA spy chief under the Obama administration John Brennan essentially urged a palace coup against Trump prior to January 20th to ensure he doesnt declassify anything sensitive or too revealing: Pres. Lolo Soetoro was born on January 02, 1935 in Bandung, Indonesia, Indonesian, is Stepfather of Barack Obama. I almost sent my oldest son to it. and it contains content that details what HILLARY had to say TODAY The inside thing is thats supposed to be the same kind of candy he used to give her husband when he was six, seven, eight years old.. Obama's mother met and remarried Lolo Soetoro, Obama's new stepfather. President Obama's mother arrived in Indonesia to How did a guy who voted for the communist party wind up in charge of the CIA? born 1961, age 56 with Barack Obama Sr. 44th President of the United States of America 20th Jan 2009 - 20th Jan 2017 Being blind is one thing..choosing not to see is another thing altogether. Tues. 14 Feb. Bruce, The Big Call 667-770-1866, pin123456#. He was a colonel in the Indonesian army and later worked in . These cookies do not store any personal information. That face is consumed with malice and hate, subtlety tinged with fear, the fear that The Big Wheel is turning, and looks to be coming round. His earnings came from his roles, as a geologist and colonel, along with other sources of income which provided him with a sizable amount of money. Dorsey has refused comment on the report. Its probably worth mentioning that this man also influenced a young Hillary Clinton. Actually, these programs were CIA activities using leftist academics to spy on the nationalist movements. Because when his [Barack Obama] step-daddy died he was one of the ten/15 richest men on earth, and he left everything in a trust fund, operated out of Indonesia so the American government cant touch it. Obamas mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, worked on micro-financing projects for the USAID andFord Foundation, both linked to the CIA,that helped prop up dictatorships in Indonesia and Pakistan. Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo or Mangundikardjo was an Indonesian geologist who is best known as the stepfather of Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States. Obama - The Secret Truth Judge Joe Brown Explains The Barack Obama & George Bush - YouTube Tanah Kusir Cemetery. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. PolitiFact | Fake theory that Barack Obama hid millions of taxpayer In 2009, Susan Tsvangirai, the wife of Zimbabwean Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, was killed in an automobile accident in which the Prime Minister was injured. how do we know that youre not an asset of ?,put in place to deflect the truth? Extoll their virtues, the Trump bashing has become old, monotonous and repetitive. Burning Platform LLC - Lolo Soetoro ( 2 January 1935 - 2 March 1987), otherwise called Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo or Mangundikardjo, of Indonesia, was the stepfather of Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States. Or Egypt for that matter. When Obama went there Ive talked to two of his classmates they independently state that the tuition, not including room and board, was $45,000. Lolo Soetoro - Marriage To Ann Dunham | Marriage Ann Dunham Whilst in attendance he served as a president of the Harvard Law Review. And of course, no evidence the CIA imported drugs. Look at how all the spook agencies fund themselves, think those Afghani poppies arent worth Marines dying for? Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Chapter I: A childhood of privilege, not hardship But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Judge Brown said when Lolo Soetoro (1935-1987) died he left a trust fund in Indonesia with three equal beneficiaries, Barack Obama/Barry Soetoro and his two siblings. Others also picked up on the idea: Heres something constructive Trump could do before leaving office at noon on January 20: he could order demand, insist that all classified intel and other documents related to the origin of the Russia/election investigation be declassified and released to the public forthwith unredacted, columnist Sheldon Richman wrote. Well we all pretty much know the rest. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. In January 1964 she filed for divorce from her estranged husband, Barack Obama Sr., who had left Hawaii in June 1962 to pursue graduate study at Harvard University. The deal to permit USAID observers was signed by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. Ms. Dunham married Lolo Soetoro the following year, a man Madsen says assisted in the violent CIA coup against Indonesian President Sukarno that claimed a million lives. Lolo's full name is Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo. The fucking libs were shooting off fireworks in my neighborhood once the media proclaimed Biden the winner. ZunZuneo was a pet project of then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who, according to AP, had her social media chief Suzanne Hall, contact Twitter founder Jack Dorsey to take over ZunZuneo. The name was changed to Barry Soetoro. If you have current knowledge about Lolo Soetoro's net worth, please feel free to share the information below. I am a firm believer in the people. ^ This. Its like Bill Hicks said once you get elected president, they bring you down to the basement and show you the JFK assassination from an angle never seen before and then say any questions?., Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) November 9, 2020. American born Ann Dunham met Kenyan born Muslim, Barrack Obama Senior in Hawaii whilst studying Russian (suspiscious?) You see so we got a game run on us, Brown said. He is mainly famous for being the stepfather of Barack Obama.

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